IslamQA: How to make sure wealth does not make you distant from God

Assalamualaikum, Allah swt tests one with what he has given him, Allah swt has given me a lot. How can I make sure I’m not failing my tests? Despite doing whats Obligatory I always feel like I’m failing. Perhaps because of my frivolous worldly interests outside of Islam. Any advice? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, My recommendation […]

IslamQA: Does being a Muslim make us better humans than non-Muslims?

Does being a Muslim make us better humans than disbelievers? First, note that the word “disbeliever” as it is used in Quran translations does not refer to all non-Muslims as explained here. It only refers to someone who believes in God but knowingly disobeys Him and denies His blessings and scriptures. The attributes that make some […]

IslamQA: On giving up a sinful relationship

I was and still am in a “friends with benefit” relationship with a senior in my uni, it wasn’t intimate one but making out and I fell in love with him but he doesn’t love me back. I’m a revert and he happens to be a Qatari. I know we both have sinned but we […]

IslamQA: On not feeling close to God

Salam I pray 5 times a day alhamdulilah but only the fard salah. The problem that I’m having is I feel no real connection which makes me so guilty. I want to be able to feel close to Allah but I fear my imaan is low and there are days when I don’t even feel […]

IslamQA: The fate of atheists in Islam

Are all atheists going to hell?It seems unfair to me for anyone to spend an eternity of suffering because they didn’t believe in God, specially if beside that they are nice people. Its been really hard for my iman. In the past it was draining. I spent pretty much all day thinking about the billion […]

IslamQA: Islam and dealing with PTSD from sexual abuse

Salaam, greetings from Malaysia. I am 21yrs old. I need help. I just feel like i need to let this out before i go crazy and do something i might regret. Not many people know of this but im dealing with PTSD. I was assaulted by my uncles at the age of 5,13 and 16. […]

IslamQA: On intentionally delaying the isha prayer

I’ve read that it’s best to delay isha namaz I was wondering exactly how long should it be delayed for? There is an authentic narration in which the Prophet ﷺ says that he would have liked to ask his followers to pray isha at the end of the first third of the night, or at the […]

IslamQA: Dealing with an addiction to pornography

Assalamu’alaikum. I’m a girl and I’m struggling with my porn addiction. Most of my friends assume that I’m such a religious person just bc i graduated from Islamic boarding school. They just don’t know the fact that I’m addicted to porn:( I feel guilty for everytime i watched it, ask for His forgiveness then stupidly […]

IslamQA: “Am I a fake Muslim if I feel guilty at what other Muslims are doing?”

I feel guilty sometimes because I feel because I’m muslim I am responsible for the bad acts of Muslims. Because a lot of muslims do sometimes bad stuff and justify them with Islam. Can I be a Muslim and not think or agree with them? I don’t want to be seen as someone who’s a […]

IslamQA: Why do different Muslims (such as Hanafis) follow different prayer timings?

I have a confusion brother ! Please clear my mind of it. Im born in a hanafi family. Living in dubai, i see different kind of muslims praying differently, which gets me so confused that i think iam on the wrong way . Just wanna ask u why these hanafi shaifee hanbali and all others […]

IslamQA: On avoiding looking at inappropriate images on the internet

I am a 20 year old lady, and I have this problem of constantly clicking on ‘inappropriate images’ and when I’m done, I feel bad and ask for Forgiveness, but it’s become so repetitive! How do I remove sexual desire from within (just until marriage)? I don’t even talk to the opposite sex, but what […]

IslamQA: Self-love in Islam: Is loving yourself an Islamic teaching?

Is there any verses in the Al-Qur’an, or in Hadith that’s saying to love yourself? Is loving yourself important? In Islam we believe that psychologically humans are made of two parts. There is the ego (nafs), which is controlled by our brains and genetic instincts. Then there is the soul (ruh) which is where our […]

IslamQA: Is it sinful to cherry-pick which scholars you listen to?

Is it sinful for me to cherry-pick what kind of da’wah I want to hear and accept? I don’t enjoy and accept some of the ‘ulama here in my country for their way of speaking or delivering the speech, even if it’s true. I kinda disappointed by the traditionalist point of view and I want […]

IslamQA: The Islamic cure for nihilism

What to do when you see the world in a nihilistic view? The cure for me was to truly take the Quran to heart. According to the Quran God is in charge of history. Everything that happens happens with God’s knowledge and approval. Nothing escapes His dominion. When you see evil in this world, you […]

IslamQA: On today’s capitalist and materialistic making life as a Muslim more difficult

Assalamualaikum, what do you think about the fact that the world is becoming increasingly harder for Muslims to navigate. For example how capitalist society has designed peoples lives to be all work and any spare time they have is now to consume media and this kind of society is causing increase in mental illness which […]

IslamQA: Do Muslims believe in karma?

Hi, the Quran does it mention karma? If you are referring to the technical meaning of karma as in Hinduism and Buddhism, meaning that your past lives affect your present life, then that is not part of Islam and no such concept is mentioned in the Quran since we do not believe in the transmigration […]

IslamQA: Fearing that you will never find your true love

Aselam Aleikum I am a young sister who fears she will never find the right spouse in life 🙁 I believe it’s easy to find a spouse (if Allah wills) but it is hard to find the right spouse who in love with you. Your “true love”. Do you you have advice? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, […]

IslamQA: How to memorize long verses like Ayat al-Kursi

Salam, do you have any tips on how to memorise surahs? I’m currently trying to learn Ayatul kursi, but I’m finding it difficult as Arabic is not my first language. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, The method I have used for myself is to split the material into logical units. For example this part from the beginning […]

IslamQA: Does Islam ask us to sacrifice good sleep and productivity for worship?

Brother Allah has made the night for rest & day for work. If a person gets up during the night for an hour or so for tahajjud its natural that during the daytime he ‘ll feel sleepy and not be as productive. He wont be able as alert in the daytime and his day-night schedule […]

The Quran and the Shape of the Earth: Is It Round or Flat?

There is some propaganda on the Internet about the Quran suggesting the earth is flat. They do not mention that respected and highly orthodox Islamic scholars like Ibn al-Jawzi, Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn al-Qayyim all believed the earth to be round. They also refer to a fatwa by Ibn Baaz (a follower of Wahhabism, a version […]

IslamQA: Why is Islam opposed to homosexuality?

In answer to questions asking about the real, material reasons why Islam is opposed to homosexuality. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, Please see the updated answer here: The Philosophical Reason why Homosexual Relationships are Wrong Old answer: It is possible that a person in a homosexual relationship will have a happy and fulfilling life. But Islam is not […]

IslamQA: What does it mean that everything is from Allah? Does it include evil?

وَإِن تُصِبْهُمْ حَسَنَةٌ يَقُولُوا۟ هَٰذِهِۦ مِنْ عِندِ ٱللَّهِۖ وَإِن تُصِبْهُمْ سَيِّئَةٌ يَقُولُوا۟ هَٰذِهِۦ مِنْ عِندِكَۚ قُلْ كُلٌّ مِّنْ عِندِ ٱللَّهِۖ According to this verse from surah an nisa everything is from Allah. Then why is it said that good dreams are from Allah n bad ones from satan? Not just for dreams, for other things […]

IslamQA: Can Muslim women wear shirts and training pants for sports?

Salam. I have studied that Muslim women should cover themselves outside of the house with khimar and jilbab. My question is, does Muslim women allowed to wear two piece clothes (long sleeve shirt and training pants) to do sports, or do we still have the obligation to cover ourselves with khimar an hijab especially made […]

IslamQA: Repenting from ghayba (backbiting): You do not need to tell the person

my grandmother always chats a lot and gossips. I am working on my nafs to avoid talking a lot of things that wont benefit me and to not talk in other peoples absence but I am failing at this. I share room with her and because that she is old I respect her and can’t […]

IslamQA: Dealing with the aftermath of a husband’s cheating

Assalamu Alaykum. I feel so helpless right now. I don’t know what to do. I have a husband, and we are married for almost 2 years. We don’t have a child yet. But my husband has a baby who was just born last month from other woman. They committed zina. The girl secretly hide her […]

IslamQA: Is it forbidden for Muslims to befriend non-Muslims?

Is it true that it’s haram for Muslims and non Muslims to be friends. I didn’t know this until I read the Qur’an because no one told me about it. It says that the believers can’t take non-believers as awliyaa and in my Qur’an the translation says friends. I asked my friend and she told […]

IslamQA: Where to start your repentance after committing many sins

I have committed so many sins, its countless. Where should I start? I feel close to god and I have asked for forgiveness, but I feel so guilty about every sin I have committed. What can I do? Repent sincerely and start from there. If you have done wrong to people, try to make things […]

IslamQA: What to do when you feel distant from God

I’ve been starting to feel disconnected from Allah (SWT), and I don’t know what to do. I keep trying to pray, understand, stay close, but I feel that I’m drifting. My life has been going down an unfortunate path and I feel that God isn’t answering my pleas for help. I don’t know what to […]

IslamQA: On the Prophet PBUH cursing those who cross-dress

Salam alaikum. Brother, what is the context of a hadith that says Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) curses men who wear women’s clothes and women who wear men’s clothes? Could it be taken literally or is there any condition that applies to the hadith to take effect? Thank you. The relevant hadiths do not provide much context, […]

IslamQA: She rejected a suitor because she likes another man

Alsalm alikum There is guy who came to my dad and asked to marry me ,but I don’t want him although he is a good guy ,I just didn’t feel the chemistry was there ,I know it’s maybe silly but I’m waiting for some guy who I like a lot,we never talked but we see […]

IslamQA: How do I face difficulties in life?

What do you usually do when faced with difficulties and hard problems in life? Normally people become more religious, pray more and read more Quran when going through a difficult trial. I try to practice Islam in such a way that difficulties do not affect how I do it: I want to always read as […]

IslamQA: Is there a dua for getting married?

Salam Brother Ikram, I really want to get married, is there a dua or anything? How do I go about asking for a companion through god? Is there any advice you could give me? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, I hope you get your wish fulfilled inshaAllah. Duas are not like magic spells where speaking it a […]

IslamQA: If God does not make mistakes, why does He allow homosexuals to exist?

If Allah created everything he surely did not make mistakes. For he is perfect and all knowing. If Allah knows everything why would he deny a homosexual? Did Allah not create that person to be that way? you are born that way. If Allah brought you into this world why would man tell you, you […]

IslamQA: A Muslim girl who dislikes housework and wishes to take care of herself until marriage instead

Assalamu Alaikum, brother! I’m unmarried and belongs to a middle class family where I can’t afford servants so we have to do all of our chores by ourselves. I usually get very angry when my mother asks me to do any work like cleaning the dishes or washing clothes. Because doing household harms your skin […]

IslamQA: Why I believe the Quran is truly from God

Is there anything that contradicts itself in Islam There is nothing in the Quran that contradicts itself. I have read it over 100 times and have never been able to detect a single contradiction or unwise saying in it. I have never had the same experience with any other book. I read the Harry Potter […]

IslamQA: Is it easier to be a faithful Muslim in the Middle East?

I’m a revert who grew up in a disbelieving family and no offence to anyone, but I’m always around disbelievers and their lifestyle. It’s depressing me and im always slipping into bad and old habits. All I want, is to be around other muslims, in an Islamic society doin what I’m supposed to be doing […]

IslamQA: Why do Muslims have to shower after sexual intercourse?

Asalam Walikum, Ramadan Mubarak! I have a question, why is it mandatory to take a shower right after sexual intercourse in order for the next prayer to be accepted? Especially if it’s a sexually active married couple The logic behind showering after sexual intercourse, and the logic behind the ablutions we perform before each prayer, […]

IslamQA: How to dispose of human hair in Islam

Assalamu alaykum What should a Muslim woman do with the excess hair that falls out during combing; is it to be disposed, buried or kept? Jazakallahu khayran Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, There are no authentic narrations that prescribe any particular way of disposing of human hair, so it is left to personal choice. The Prophet PBUH […]

IslamQA: How to stop wasting time on social media

I recently made an attempt to stop wasting my time on social media and things like netflix. Issue is, even though i read often, i find that i’m unable to replace that which i gave up with useful substitutes. Do you have any suggestions? The ability to intentionally choose to do something useful with your […]

IslamQA: Dealing with daily work during fatigue and depression

How do you go about with your daily work when depression and fatigue comes. Meanwhile waiting to get treatment, the two affects me so badly that I would usually feel bad about myself if I am unable to do my work. I’m sorry to read that you are going through those things. When I suffer […]

IslamQA: Is it haram or sinful to spend money on movies?

Salam, I heard a lecture it said going to the movies is bad because you are wasting your money and you will be accountable for such a thing. What are your thoughts? Jzk Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, Spending money on entertainment is not forbidden, so spending money on a wholesome movie is not forbidden in itself […]

IslamQA: Constantly redoing prayers in fear of having made errors

SalamAlaykum I have problem I hope you help inshAllah Sometimes I will pray and I will think I make mistake and I will redo again again even though I don’t make many mistake I will read sorah and feel I make mistakes so I start over over again My mind wants to make do everything […]

IslamQA: What is the wisdom in mahr (dower) and how much should a woman ask?

What is mahar and what is the requirement for me to decide how much mahar should I ask from the groom? Mahr is a payment that the groom promises to give to the bride at the time of signing the marriage contract. The payment can be immediately or it can be in installments. Scholars say […]

“So Intoxicated I Am” by Jalal al-Deen Rumi

So intoxicated I am, so intoxicated I am today, That out of my hoop I have leapt today! Such a thing that cannot be imagined, That’s how I am, that’s how I am today! In spirit out to the Heaven of Love I went, Though in body still in this world I am today! I […]

IslamQA: The biography of Ibn al-Jawzi

Assalamualaikum, I wanted to ask about the biography of ibn al-jawzi. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, If you Google “Ibn al-Jawzi”, you will find many articles about him. Unfortunately I could not find any comprehensive articles that I could link to. Below is also a lecture on Ibn al-Jawzi that you may find helpful.

Intelligence: All That Matters by Stuart Ritchie

IQ and intelligence, as a topic of study in themselves, no longer interest me very much because they are largely a foregone conclusion for me. Long ago I was convinced of the very realness and importance of IQ and of the fact that it is largely a genetically-mediated trait. What interests me these days is […]

A History of the Arab Peoples by Albert Hourani

A History of the Arab Peoples is a great general introduction to the history of the Arab countries and the history of Islam. It was written by the respected British scholar Albert Hourani (of Lebanese Christian descent). While not written by a Muslim, the book’s treatment of Muslims is balanced and fair-minded. This book does not cover […]

The Muslim World on the Eve of Europe’s Expansion by John J. Saunders

The Muslim World on the Eve of Europe’s Expansion (published in 1966), at only 136 pages, is a short and enjoyable history of the Muslim world in the early modern period, with interesting articles on the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Empires, the Mamlukes, the Uzbeks, Islam in Southeast Asia and Africa, the remnants of the Mongols […]

IslamQA: Is the fajr prayer valid if the sun rises while performing it?

Assalamualaikum, if someone intends to pray Fajr but they wake up 5minutes before sunrise and then whilst they are praying it goes past sunrise, is their prayer invalid? Because when I first searched this online all the answers says just to wake up and pray immediately even if you’re late. So I assumed you didn’t […]

IslamQA: Can you take breaks between prayers in Islam?

AssalamuAlaikum, is it okay to take breaks between the units of prayer? I tend to get fatigued easily and find I need to wait before continuing. Also sau I have prayed 4 rakats of Isha and I leave to assist a family member in something quick before doing the next 4. Is that okay? I […]

IslamQA: How to have the motivation to finish things

How do we finish things? Like I usually have a problem of finishing reading a book,after some time I get bored and just stop reading and completely abandoning the book. This also goes for everything else like trying to learn something. Unfortunately your motivation to finish things is strongly influenced by the neurochemical balance in […]

IslamQA: Similarities between Islam and Buddhism

As-salaamu ‘alaykum, wa rahmatu-llaah. Would you be so kind as to talk about similarities between Buddhism and Islam? Jazak-Allahu khayran. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh, I haven’t studied Buddhism in any detail, so I cannot properly answer your question. But if you search online then there are many articles that deal with your question.

Live Discussion

This is an experimental live discussion page that functions as a forum and guestbook. If no one is online, you can still leave a message and it will be saved; I will reply to it when I see it. Everything is anonymous, no personally-identifiable information is stored. [quick-chat]

IslamQA: Does bleeding from the body invalidate ablution (wudu)?

Hello ^^ I have a question if you don’t mind answering: does bleeding from your body (not the private parts) invalidates ablution? I’ve done research online and it seems that opinions are split in half about this matter and I have no idea which to follow! Thanks. Hello, Bleeding does not invalidate the state of […]

IslamQA: How can we be sure if our prayers were answered when a wish comes true?

want to ask: Is an invite for umrah an indication that Allah wants to grant your dua? Or is it mere optimist thought? For many yrs i wanted to go there but somehow couldn’t or dint. Now ‘m going umrah tomorrow n wonder about this. Can i request your thoughts / view on this? Think […]

IslamQA: Can Muslims shop at the Salvation Army or other Christian stores?

salam brother, is it haram to shop at places like salvation army thrift store? the money goes towards drug rehab centers i believe but it’s a christian organization (thst helps a lot of ppl) & i was wondering if it would b haram since it might b used for preaching christianity. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, There […]

IslamQA: Does God send us signs to help us with decisions?

Alslam alikum I’d like to hear your opinion in universe signs do U believe that there is such a thing that Allah sends us sometimes signs that helps us with decisions? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, Almost everything that happens to you can be considered a sign since it is God who arranges what happens to you. […]

IslamQA: When our wish comes true, how can we be sure that God answered our prayer?

want to ask: Is an invite for umrah an indication that Allah wants to grant your dua? Or is it mere optimist thought? For many yrs i wanted to go there but somehow couldn’t or dint. Now ‘m going umrah tomorrow n wonder about this. Can i request your thoughts / view on this? Think […]

IslamQA: Is it permissible to eat meat cooked alongside pork?

As salamu alaykum brother. I am spending Christmas eve with the family, and the typical Danish Christmas dinner is pork roast and sometimes duck; we have both. Because of it being time and space consuming my mum will only be making one gravy – mixed, which I can live with, I just wont have any. […]

IslamQA: Is it shirk to believe in healing crystals?

Salam, I don’t believe that stones and crystals have “magic” abilities but rather any benefit comes from Allah s.w.t. Is there shirk in this? Is it true that Prophet Muhammad PBUH wore a ring with an aqiq stone, so it’s ok for us to use stones as well? thank you for any clarification Alaikumassalam wa […]

How to ignore accents and other diacritics in WordPress/MySQL search (Arabic, French, etc.)

On my new website, which is an Arabic-language baby name resource, I use a simple loop to show the posts in alphabetical order. Each post title is a baby name: $args = array( ‘paged’ => $paged, ‘orderby’=> ‘title’, ‘order’ => ‘ASC’, ‘cat’ => $cat_id); query_posts($args); ?> while ( have_posts() ) : the_post() Since the […]

IslamQA: What made me decide to be a scholar? Can women be Islamic scholars?

As salamu alaykum brother. What made you decide to pursue a path to become a scholar? Where do one start on such path? Is it appropriate for a girl to do it? Wont it make it difficult for me to find a husband? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, Alhamdulillah it has always been easy for me to […]

IslamQA: How to think critically and creatively in solving problems

How to think critically and creatively in solving our daily problems as well as in the process of seeking knowledge? I recommend reading as many books as you can, on any topic, whether fiction or non-fiction. Books can help you face various situations and scenarios before they happen to you in real life, and this […]

IslamQA: Are we responsible for bad things that befall our families?

Assalamu Aleykom Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu, is it legitimate to think that one’s actions can bring affliction to one’s family? am i crazy to think that me misbehaving or sinning or straying away from Allah can have a direct impact on my family? the reason why every wrong thing happening to them, in their own […]

IslamQA: Islam, vaccination and anti-vaccination

May I know the views of Islamic jurists regarding anti-vaccination? Vaccination is permitted in general in Islam since a good purpose is achieved by them and there is no evidence to prohibit them. As for anti-vaccination, if a person refuses vaccination for no good reason and this causes them to suffer an illness, then this […]

IslamQA: A village imam was found in a brothel

Assalamualaikum. My friend told me about an imam in her village who was found passing away in a brothel. After an investigation on how he could end up there, it was found that the imam actually frequented the brothel to use the service. This really troubles me, how can someone who’s in worship more frequent […]

IslamQA: On the Arab Spring

This might not be relevant anymore, but I just want to know what are your thoughts and opinion about the Arab Spring? Personally I have a historian’s view of history; I look at society in terms of generations and centuries. So to me revolutions are never something to celebrate; they are just a violent expression […]

No Reddit table maker? How to easily put a large table on reddit

It is pretty easy to put a table on reddit. Below are step-by-step instructions: If the data is on a website, or in an Excel spreadsheet (you can skip these if not): Create a new spreadsheet and paste your data in there. Save your data as a comma-separated text file (CSV). Open the file in […]

IslamQA: Can you read the Quran on a smartphone without wudu?

Hi! Do you think it is okay to read Quran through an app without performing ablution? The phone isn’t Quran after all, so does holding the phone without ablution, though reading Quran through it require to perform ablution? Assalamu alaikum, There is no need for wudu when reading the Quran from a computer or smartphone, […]

IslamQA: Commentary on verse 49:11 of the Quran (Surat al-Hujurat)

As-salaamu ‘alaykum, wa rahmatullaah. Would you be willing to provide a commentary on Surat al-Hujuraat, aayah #11: “O, you who believe: let not some men among you laugh at others …”. May Allaah reward you. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh, Unfortunately I do not have anything original to contribute to the explanation of this verse. […]

IslamQA: Can jinns possess human beings?

Assalamualaikum I’d like to know what we know about Jinns from the Quraan and the authentic hadiths. Can they possess human beings? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, The Quran refers to jinn possession in a few places, for example: Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan’s touch. That is because […]

IslamQA: The baby name Tanzima

Assalamu alaykum. What is the meaning of the name Tanzima? And is it a good name for a female child? Jazakumullah khairan. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, Tanzima appears to be a feminization of the Arabic word Tanẓīm (“to put into order”, “to compose”, “to organize”). It is common in languages like Urdu to feminize Arabic words […]

IslamQA: The evidence for the permissibly of drawing and painting in Islam

Salam, I am drawn to the approach of Islam you & others like you take, and when I read the understanding of the permissibility of things like music or drawing it makes sense to me. However, I worry that I’m actually just accepting the rulings that align more with my personal preferences rather than doing […]

Women may travel without a mahram for three days and nights: A study of the hadiths

There are numerous authentic hadiths that mention restrictions on women traveling without a mahram (a relative like a husband or father). I was recently asked about the exact nature of the restriction, so I decided to do a thorough hadith study using the probabilistic hadith verification method. For those who want the conclusion immediately: the […]

IslamQA: Can Muslim women be airline pilots?

Can a woman be a pilot who travels around? She is travelling but for work and is with other staff (flight attendants, cabin crew, other pilots)? If her faith and dignity are preserved then there is no issue with it, since we do not have any clear statements from the Quran and hadith on such […]

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IslamQA: Is using cash-backs permitted in Islam?

Assalamualaykum brother. In this cashless era, many start-ups offer promotions like cash back for its customer. Is this considered halal? I personally use this cash back quite often, but I don’t know what Islam says about this kind of thing. Jazakallah khairan for your answer Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, There is no issue with cash-backs since […]

IslamQA: Should we advise others to avoid sin if it may bother them?

Sir, mostly sins make me feel disturbed but what influences me most is the relationship between boys n girls outside marriage. I feel disgusted hearing the terms ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’. I’m part of certain Facebook groups where sometimes posts about one’s relationship comes up… Sometimes they talk about their boyfriends. It makes me sad and angry. I […]

IslamQA: On avoiding wasting time

Assalam alaykum. I have a problem with wasting time, and I always say to my self “let me just finish this episode, and then i’ll Read Quran”. I use too much time in social media, and i’m not motivated at all. I want to be motivated, so I can be exited to read Quran, and […]

IslamQA: Why are there different versions of tashahhud?

Recently I noticed that some muslims have somewhat different version of tashahhud recitation. Most of it is the same but some use different ending or so. Why is that so. Thanks The reason is that different versions are transmitted in different hadiths and different scholars and schools (madhhabs) prefer different ones.

IslamQA: Why does the Muslim world no longer fight colonization?

Salamu alaikum. Brother, I wanted to know why does the Muslim World in the previous time wanted to fight against Western colonization? In today’s modern world, I seldom find any news about the Muslim World trying to fight against Western colonization. Does Western colonialism still exist until now? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah Colonization was the fact […]

Hijabis, Niqabis, and Religious Liberties in the Secular State

When I was fourteen, my new geometry teacher paused while taking attendance on the first day of class to inform me that she didn’t allow hats in the classroom. “We’ll have to do something about that,” she added, referring to my headscarf. Sitting at my desk in the back, I gaped like she’d slapped me, […]

IslamQA: Is using healing crystals haram?

assalamu aleikum, do you know anything about “healing crystals” and if it is shirk to own them? not just as a decoration but to believe that they better our mental/physical state? maybe there’s some science behind it that i don’t understand but it doesn’t seem compatible with islam to me Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, There is […]

IslamQA: The name “Layyah”

I give my daughter name layyah binth thoufeek inspired by the name layyah binth yakoob , May I know this is true any bad meaning for layyah I am afraid because this name is calling in heaven too. Kindly advice mean I want to know exact meaning also . Some doc say she was […]

IslamQA: Is it permitted for Muslims to work as lawyers of secular law?

Assalamu Aleykom Wa RahmatuAllah Wa Barakatuhu, I have a question: is it haraam to study law, work in the field of law as a lawyer or judge or else in a secular country? According to a fatwa on IslamOnline (a website that is overseen by the respected Egyptian scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi) it is permitted for […]

Mashing two regular expressions together in JavaScript on the fly

var pattern1 = /Aug/; var pattern2 = /ust/; var fullpattern = (new RegExp( (pattern1+”).replace(/^\/(.*)\/$/,’$1′) + (pattern2+”).replace(/^\/(.*)\/$/,’$1′) )); Explanation: pattern1+” turns (“casts”) the regular expression object into a string. .replace(/^\/(.*)\/$/,’$1′) removes the beginning and ending slashes from the pattern new RegExp() turns the resultant string into a regular expression object. There is no need to add […]

IslamQA: Yoga is permissible in Islam if it is done for health

Is yoga haram? lets say my intention is not to pray like they do only to relax my mind etc? According to the Azhar-educated scholar Dr. Ujail Al-Nashami if yoga is done for health (exercise and meditation) then it is permissible, while the mystical and religious parts of it should be avoided. He says that […]

Amr (Name)

Amr (transliteration: ʿAmr, Arabic: عمرو) is an Arabic name for boys that according to Ibn Faris means “the visible part of the flesh of a person’s jaw”, meaning the part of the flesh of the jaw that can ordinarily be seen in the mouths of some people when they speak. Amr also refers to a high-quality […]

Charting the Strauss-Howe Generational Theory in 2017

Below is a chart (click it to zoom) that shows the seasonality of Anglo-American history since the end of the Middle Ages, according to the Strauss-Howe Generational Theory (as described in their 1997 book The Fourth Turning). Click here to download an enlarged version. Below is the inner circles zoomed in (for those who don’t […]

Fixing washed out colors in Ubuntu 16.10

How I improved the colors and brightness/contrast and the appearance of fonts on my Ubuntu 16.10 PC monitor After moving to Ubuntu from Windows, one thing that has been constantly annoying me was the washed out/stark colors on my monitor and ugly-looking fonts in Firefox. I have spent hours fiddling with my monitor’s settings, color […]

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