IslamQA: Dealing with life’s stress and fast pace as a Muslim

Assalamualaykum. How to slow down in this fast pace life? I mean, I rush with almost everything. I lost my consciousness and awareness about myself, what I’m doing, my surroundings, even with my prayer and my relation to Allah. I’ve realized time just passed by without barokah in it. I’m afraid I’ll die with such […]

IslamQA: Raise children as Muslims, or let them choose their own path?

Salam, brother. I hope you are in a good health. I have this thought passing through my mind and I’m deeply thinking about it and concerned if one day when I am married and have children, of what should I do in that situation. And so, I have a rather personal question for you related […]

IslamQA: Is it permissible to read the Quran without wudu and when menstruating?

Should I perform wudu before reading from it? Can I read when I’m going through menstruation? Reading the Quran without wudu is permissible, but touching a book of Quran without wudu is considered impermissible by most scholars. I’m not entirely convinced by their arguments but just to be safe it is best not to touch […]

IslamQA: Building social skills

What would you recommend to someone who lacks social skills? How can they improve themself? Any suggestions? As far as I know the best way is to place yourself in a lot of situation situations, such as getting a job where you have to deal with people a lot, such as a store cashier.

IslamQA: Should you wear the hijab before homosexual women?

Is it wrong for girls who wear the hijab to show their hair in front of girls who are homosexual? Would it be a big deal (as it becomes a sin) if they called me pretty and all those compliments? The purpose of dress codes in Islam is to take sexuality out of public interactions […]

IslamQA: The difference between sexual fantasies and reading erotic novels

Assalamualaikum, I read your answers for not reading any erotica in novels but how is this different from it being okay for young persons to have sexual fantasies as another question determined? Jzk Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, The difference is that sexual fantasies are a consequence of a natural hormonal state. Since God does not burden […]

IslamQA: Being a Muslim, tomboy and lesbian

I’m Muslim, tomboy, lesbian and I hate myself I tried to be normal but I just can’t what should I do? I understand the difficulty of your situation. My advice is to accept yourself as you are; you didn’t ask to be this way. My second advice is to carry out your Islamic duties as […]

IslamQA: Waiting patiently for the end of hardship

Asalamaleikum.. I have gone thru hard time for almost a year. I try to stay high in faith and sabr but it’s very hard. I keep waiting for something good to happen, but nothing has happened yet.. feeling depressed. Is it actually true that if I am grateful I will get more? Because I’m waiting, […]

IslamQA: Finding meaning in life when the most precious thing is taken away from you

You know when the most precious thing is taken away from you, there is nothing that can replace it. I can’t seem to find meaning in anything else and now everything seems bleak to me. How do I go about just living life? Nothing matters. I can’t seem to find the importance of anything else. […]

IslamQA: The difference between a woman’s mani, mazi and wadi

Salaam. Pardon me for asking this, for it’s heading towards women privacy, but I had to ask. How to tell between wadi, mazi, and mani from women? Thank you very much for your time reading and answering this question. Jazakallah khayr. Manī (ejaculate) is a liquid that sometimes comes out with orgasm and smells like […]

A Manual of Civilized Sexuality

My new book A Manual of Civilized Sexuality: What Science, Feminism and Our Pornographic Culture Cannot Teach Us about the Most Important Things in Love, Romance and Intimacy is now available on While this book is written for a general Western audience, the contents are extremely relevant to Muslims interested in understanding Islam’s views […]

IslamQA: Why do people get jealous?

Why do people get jealous? Also, how can I protect myself from nazar (evil eye)? Humans have a natural tendency to feel unhappy when they see someone who enjoys blessings much greater than they enjoy themselves. Some people are not pious enough to fight this tendency, so they feel a strong desire for the blessed […]

IslamQA: On men and women having a partition between them at mosques

Salam Brother! What is your stance on men and women having a partition in mosques? If yes, why should they have one? The partition is not necessary, but it can be helpful in reducing unnecessary contact between the sexes. It is not a matter having to do with rights and freedoms. It is about creating […]

IslamQA: How to be humble and sincere when doing good deeds

Assalamualaikum, I would like to ask you how do we be humble and sincere in our deeds in life. I am asking this because I am struggling to apply these two virtues in my life. It also caused me to be depressed when I am doing something to achieve pride,arrogance and peer recognition. Alaikumassalam wa […]

IslamQA: Islam and magic

Salamalaikum, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer the questions posed to you with so much in depth research (my earlier ones included). May Allah reward you. To my questions, what are the signs/indications of magic done on a person or household. And if black magic is something we Muslims believe can happen? […]

Advice to my younger self

If you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be? I would give myself two pieces of advice: 1. You cannot guide yourself Even if you spend years reading the best available books, without God’s help and guidance you will never be able to achieve guidance. Whomever God guides is the guided […]

IslamQA: Improving your relationship with your parents

I don’t have a great relationship with my parents. How can I improve it? I believe the best way is to achieve a high character and a selfless, generous and forgiving attitude. Dealing with people when having such a personality will naturally make them like you more. So work on yourself first and constantly ask […]

IslamQA: It is permitted for Muslim women to marry if their guardian wrongfully prevents the marriage

i am a virgin woman of 35 and and my burning desire to marry a man of my choice and luckily i have found that man…but my family my guardian who is my brother does not in anyway recommend me to marry him…the person i m willing to marry is holding an upright character ,he […]

IslamQA: How to stop feeling jealousy and envy

I don’t know if you received this or not, but I asked if there were any surahs which stop making you jealous, or any dikhr. Thanks. Sorry I don’t think I received it. I don’t know of any surahs or dhikrs to do for jealously. This is a character problem that would require commitment to […]

IslamQA: She needs ten hours of sleep every night

Assallamualeykum! I find it very hard to sleep less since my very childhood. If I don’t get enough sleep, I get annoyed easily. The perfect amount for me is 10 hours. And I think, more than affecting my success in life, this much sleep takes me away from prayers from time to time. I’ve tried […]

IslamQA: Islam and having boyfriends or girlfriends

Assalamualaikum, I’m still a teenager and as teenagers do, I keep having intentions to have a girlfriend. I know its not the right thing to do at this age and at the because of the limitations between male and female in Islam. I need advice and a reminder from someone married and older. Alaikumassalam wa […]

IslamQA: Are disturbing dreams a sign of a bad character?

AsalamAlaikum I lately have been having some disturbing and disgusting dreams. They feel so real that I get shocked when I wake up. I take refuge from Shaitan, and ask Allah to forgive me. Do you have any knowledge about this, why I get dreams like this? Things happen that I would never do in […]

IslamQA: Her father does not support the family because they receive welfare

Assalamualaikum, my mother receives welfare benefits and that’s how she has raised our family. My dad never supported us financially and he says it’s because our mother received welfare so he didn’t have to. Is this valid? Or his he not fulfilling his rights. Jzk -p.s. (the welfare money was never in his name as […]

IslamQA: Is studying hard science a form of worship (ibada)?

Assalamualaikum, is studying STEM topics considered an ibadah, and if so, how do we make sure that the things we study may benefit us in the akhirah. Thank you. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, My own thinking is that if we do the minimum of daily worship necessary to maintain a high character, and if our life […]

IslamQA: They cannot stop sinning despite their worship and feel like a hypocrite

Salamalaikum Brother Ikram, I hope all is well. I tried to implement what you mentioned in your essays into my life. But I still feel guilty, shameful, and lonely. It’s a part of life now. I have been patient and I have sought therapy for a long time as well, but nothing seems to work. […]

IslamQA: Who does “Woe to those who pray” refer to?

Assalamualaikum brother. In this verse “So woe to those who pray. [But] are heedless of their prayer – Those who make show [of their deeds]. And withhold [simple] assistance.” [Quran 107: 1-7] is it only referring to those who pray just for ‘show’ or also those who struggle to concentrate during prayer? / sometimes I […]

IslamQA: Does it matter to God what religion we embrace?

Does it matter to God what religion we embrace? And is it important to us to know which of all the religion that exists on earth is the true one? It matters because God has His own plans about how history should unfold. A person born in Islam is part of Islam’s historical timeline, inheriting […]

IslamQA: On wanting to make someone convert to Islam

Slam alicome my brother I really like your page and because of Allah and then you, I feel I become good and strong believer in Allah. My question actually is not a question : I know a woman who works in subway restaurant and we like talking about religions sometimes and It’s one of my […]

IslamQA: Is homosexuality more evil than rape in the Quran? Not exactly

I just read your answer on homosexuality and Lot’s people and I must say that I am really shocked that consensual homosexual act is worse than rape. I’ve always thought that rape is a great evil thing. I know a couple of lesbian girls and a gay guy and they are kind people and I […]

IslamQA: Is Saudi Arabia an Islamic country?

Why do you call Islamic countries imaginary? KSA, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia (and many more) are ideal Islamic countries with Sharia court and all. There are many reasons to doubt the extent to which Islam is followed in so-called Muslim countries. For example, in the Quran, God says that He is at war with usurers […]

Indonesia’s unlocked scientific potential?

The Scimago Journal & Country Rank is one of the things I look forward to most to seeing every year. The rankings show each country’s scientific output, a very important measure of a country’s present level of development and its speed of development. The biggest surprise in the 2017 rankings was from Indonesia, whose cited paper […]

IslamQA: Is reading erotica permitted in Islam?

I wanted to know if it’s haram to read smut and if so what are the punishments for it. The seeking of any form of sexual pleasure outside the context of erotic love between married couples is either forbidden or in a gray area in Islamic law. The Quran says, in its description of pious […]

Arwa (Name)

Arwa (transliteration: Arwā, Arabic: أروى) is an Arabic name for girls that means “female ibex” (wild goat) Fairuzabadi mentions that Arwa is also the name of a well on the way to Mecca. Arwa is also spelled Arwaa and Arua. There are five Sahabiyyat (female Companions of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him) named […]

IslamQA: On praying (making dua) during salah and whether one can do it in English

What is the correct way to make dua during salah? For example if I wanted to make dua for someone or ask Allah for something how and when would i do that? I’ve been told saying it in English invalidates salah There isn’t sufficient evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah to make a conclusive […]

Arid (Name)

Arid (transliteration: ʿĀriḍ) is an Arabic name for boys that means “clouds”. Arid can also mean “that which blocks something”, such as a mountain that blocks the way. Arid is also spelled as Ared, Ariz, Arez, Aarid, Aariz, Aaridh, and Aridh. There is one Companion of the Prophet named Arid: Arid al-Jashmi عارض الجشمي The word […]

Asiyah (Name)

Asiyah (transliteration: Āsiyah, Arabic: آسية) is an Arabic name for girls that means “melancholic” When describing a building, it means “sturdy”, “robust”. It also means “column”, “pillar”. Asiyah is also used to refer to the continent Asia, although today the standard way to refer to Asia is the word آسيا (Āsyā). Asiyah is also spelled […]

Akna (Name)

Akna (transliteration: ʿAknāʾ, Arabic: عكناء) is an ancient Arabian name for girls that means “one who has a bulging belly” It was common among ancient Arabians to give children names with negative meanings as a way of warding off the supposed harms of envious glances. However, it is possible that having a fat belly was […]

Ama (Name)

Ama (transliteration: Amah, Arabic: أمة) is an ancient Arabian name for girls that means “female slave”. It can also mean “devoted worshiper of God”. It is the feminine equivalent of the ancient boy name Abd. The word Ama is usually added to one of the names of God to create composite name, such as Amatullah (made […]

IslamQA: Islam and abortion

The issue of abortion is highly controversial in Islam. Shaykh Hamza Yusuf in his essay “When Does a Human Fetus Become Human?”, says that Imam al-Ghazali considered abortion prohibited but said that the severity of the crime increased with the fetus’s development. Hamza Yusuf considers the Mālikī school’s view to be the soundest, which is […]

IslamQA: Muslims may write fantasy and romance novels (except for erotic ones)

Salam, I am an English literature major and I really want to write fictional novels one day. With any novels you would hope to speak about an important message, with fiction these ideas are offered like a reflection of reality and in a way that it will connect to a reader. Is it wrong to […]

IslamQA: Is dawah obligatory when it is awkward and rude?

Is da’wah an obligatory to all Muslims? What if I am the type of person who dislikes approaching people to give da’wah about Islam, while I myself have an inner turmoil about Islam I need to calm down and fix? It’s the religious people in my country whom insists that it is obligatory for Muslims […]

IslamQA: Responding to atheist arguments against Islam

What can you recommend when dealing with Atheists? Youtube recently recommended me a video about debunking 5 quranic miracles and I got really upset about the recommendation itself, but also about the video, as such things always upset me. (and anger really messes with my mental health which is why I avoid it at all […]

IslamQA: On Muslim hypocrisy in not defending other persecuted peoples

Salam Aleikoum. I wonder how we Muslims are against that quraysh was persecuting muslims at that time and all the suffering they had to go through,but many muslims today are doing the same. they are OK with the fact that shias/ismailis /sufis are persecuted in many muslim countries. Isn’t that hypocrisy? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, The […]

IslamQA: What are the exact rulings on the hijab in the Quran?

Salam, brother. I have a question to ask. Does Islam has certain rulings on hijab? Because, in my country there seem to be different opinions among the Muslim groups and that they have different version of how women hijab is. This make me confused. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, The Quran states that the head and chest […]

IslamQA: It is permissible for Muslims to celebrate birthdays

Is it okay to celebrate birthdays? Egypt’s Dār al-Iftāʾ (the authority that issues fatwas for all Egyptians and is peopled by qualified scholars from al-Azhar University) has issued a fatwa that says it is permissible to celebrate birthdays as long as they do not involve anything forbidden by Islam. The popular Egyptian caller to Islam […]

Malaysia has overtaken Japan in scientific research output per capita

Below is the graph from my previous post where I discovered that Malaysia has been producing more scientific research per citizen than Japan since 2016. This is very interesting because Malaysia is a Muslim-majority country. Japan has stagnated since 2006 due to its aging population and stagnant economy while Malaysia, thanks to having a sustainable […]

IslamQA: Can angels read and understand the Quran or not?

Is it true that Allah didn’t grant the angels the wisdom to read and understand the Quran? Why? Is it the same with the shaytans? The few opinions I found say that it is a baseless speculation to say whether the angels can or cannot read the Quran since we have no conclusive evidence either […]

IslamQA: What should a Muslim woman do if she feels more attracted to women than men?

I know you get lots of questions like these but, gonna ask anyways, I’ve been trying to deal with it on my own but I think I need help, I’m a woman and I feel attraction towards women ( and men as well but not as strongly ) I’ve been trying to distance myself from […]

IslamQA: Can you remain in contact with a relative who left Islam?

Salaam. my aunt left Islam. She says bad things about Islam and sometimes wants to challenge me academically but I don’t have adequate knowledge so I ended up more doubtful. As my aunt she cares about me and she’s nice to me. I had a lot of issues with my computer back then went I […]

The Muslim view of Orientalists

Brother, I’ve heard that orientalists are westerners studying Islam and their purpose is to cause distortion of knowledge among people about Islam. My question is, what orientalists really are and for what purpose do they study Islam? Thank you. “Orientalist” is a word that was used to refer to Western scholars of Islam until the […]

IslamQA: Her intended does not want to pay for the honeymoon

Assalamualaikum, I am getting married very soon, and we are planning for our honeymoon. So, anyway, I know one of the responsibilities of man is to provide a safe place for his wife to stay. am i right? but, recently, we wanted to book the hotel for our honeymoon. and suddenly, my man asked me […]

IslamQA: Can jinns possess objects or show themselves?

assalamu alaykum, can jinns posess inanimate objects like dolls? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, As I explain in my answer The Islamic Case for Scientific Empiricism and Skepticism toward Supernatural Phenomena, the Quran’s theology strongly supports having a skeptical view toward supposedly supernatural phenomena, because the Quran often suggests that we will never see evidence for the Unseen […]

IslamQA: Enduring the difficulties of having an abusive mother

So i gave in thinking that maybe she had undrestood herself and that she could not treat me and my sibling like that. Well I was wrong, every time she gets mad she wants me out and calls me crazy and maniac because of my mental illness. She is still bitter because of my father […]

IslamQA: What is permissible for a Muslim woman to wear in front of her father, other close male relatives, and other women?

I have a question about clothing. What can a female wear at house in front of her parents and sisters?? There are no clear texts that deal with this matter, and for this reason there is much difference of opinion among scholars regarding it. Some jurists invent chains of reasoning to justify very strict rules […]

Abdullah (Name)

Abdullah (transliteration: ʿAbdullāh, Arabic: عبد الله) is an Arabic name for God that means “servant of God”. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the Arabic word for God (Allah). Due to the way the Arabic language works, when pronouncing the name ʿabd Allah becomes ʿabdullah. The name Abdullah is also spelled as Abdallah, Abdellah, Abd Allah, Abdollah, Abdola […]

IslamQA: Getting over an impossible love

I don’t know if this is gonna sound ridiculous/stupid… but I’ve been having feelings for someone for the past 3 years and I can’t seem to get over it, I make dua Everyday asking Allah to strengthen my heart and remove these feelings, I try to keep myself busy with work and worship but at […]

How to do long-running computations in JavaScript while avoiding the “maximum call stack size exceeded” error

The following program calculates the value of the series of the Basel Problem. The result is a number that starts with 1.644934. Like π, this sequence can go on forever, which means the program never exits. Without proper design, such a program runs into the maximum call stack size exceeded error, which is designed to […]

AWS Storage Historical Pricing and Future Projections

Some blogs are calling the recent price wars between cloud providers “a race to zero”. But this is the wrong way to think about it. As technology progresses, we simply need to start thinking in terms of larger units. Here is a table of historical Amazon S3 prices: Date $/GB/Month $/TB/Month 14-Mar-06 0.15 150 1-Nov-08 […]

Islam, the Good Parts: Guaranteed Basic Income for Women

One thing that is rarely mentioned when speaking about Islam, even among Muslims, is that Muslim women don’t have to work. They can work if they want to, but they don’t have to if they don’t want to. Islam makes it the duty of a woman’s male relatives to take care of her financially. Men have to […]

Setting the default search path for Catfish File Search

The Problem It was surprisingly difficult to find out how to set a default search path for Catfish. On the command line, you can simply do this to always make Catfish search from the root directory: alias catfish=’/usr/bin/catfish –path=\/’ But adding this line to your ~/.bashrc file will not affect the default search path for […]

“The Footsteps of Water” by Sohrab Sepehri (1964)

I am a native of Kashan My days are not so bad. I own a loaf of bread, a bit of intelligence, a tiny bit of taste. I possess a mother better than the leaves of trees. Friends, better than the water of a running brook. And a God who is this near: Within these […]

IslamQA: Patriarchy in the Quran

Stick to posting Islamic art and quotes. Otherwise, go learn about the patriarchy and power imbalances before flaunting your misogyny everywhere. May Allah guide you. Islam is a patriarchal religion, where men get a degree of authority over their women in their households, and with that authority comes the burden of having to provide financially […]

IslamQA: What is Tawbah Nasoohah?

Do you know what is “taubat nasuha” ? The literal meaning is “sincere and pure repentance”. It means to repent from a sin with the sincere desire to abandon it, acknowledging that you have done wrong and sincerely planning in God’s presence to find ways of avoiding that sin in the future. The opposite is […]

IslamQA: Feeling more spiritual with friends, less spiritual when alone

I could be a very different person with my friends( a good one that i always remind them of islam) but when I am not with them,i am not that way,how do I prevent it That’s natural. Abu Bakr and another companion (may God be pleased with them) complained to the Prophet ﷺ that they […]

IslamQA: Is getting agitated when someone walks in on you praying something to be concerned about?

Is getting agitated when someone walks in on you praying something to be concerned about? In general, I strongly dislike when my family members see me do worship. It is normal to dislike being looked at when you feel others might be judging you regardless of the activity you are performing. Even if you love […]

The Early Development of Hanafi Usul al-Fiqh by Murteza Bedir

Download [PDF – 23 MB] Murteza Bedir’s PhD thesis The Early Development of Hanafi Usul al-Fiqh is an interesting study of the development of usul al-fiqh in the Hanafi school. It describes a process of slowly eliminating the freedom of intellect of the early Hanafi school as succeeding generations tried to reform the school to fit more with […]

IslamQA: The chaining of Satan and difficulties with Islam’s metaphysics

I have an issue when it comes to believing in metaphysical entities such as devil or angels. Sometimes I don’t understand why Allah had these conversations with them. I think that if people do evil it’s rooted in their psyche. Also the fact that I had depression and suicidal thoughts and was told that it […]

IslamQA: On the evil eye

Salaam ‘alaykom. I reblog a lot of photography, but a lot of times i forget to say Ma Sha Allah. Can I cause evil eye on the person on the photos because of this? I’m sorry if this sounds ridiculous. My way of practicing Islam is to judge a thing’s importance by the amount of […]

Abdul Wahid (Name)

Abdul Wahid (transliteration: ʿAbdul Wāḥid, Arabic: عبد الواحد) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the One”, meaning “servant of God” since al-Wāḥid is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Wāḥid. Due to the way the Arabic language works, […]

Abdul Aala (Name)

Abdul Aala (transliteration: ʿAbdul Aʿlā) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the Most High”, meaning “servant of God”, since al-Aʿlā is one of the names of God in Islam.. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Aʿlā. Due to the way the Arabic language works, the “al” […]

Abdul Aziz

Abdul Aziz (transliteration: ʿAbdul ʿAzīz) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the Most Mighty”, “servant of the Most Powerful”, meaning “servant of God”, since al-ʿAzīz is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-ʿAzīz. Due to the way the […]

Abdul Ghafur (Name)

Abdul Ghafur (transliteration: ʿAbdul Ghafūr, Arabic: عبد الغفور) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the Oft-Forgiving”, meaning “servant of God”, since al-Ghafūr is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Ghafūr. Due to the way the Arabic language works, […]

Abdul Hamid (Name)

Abdul Hamid (transliteration: ʿAbdul Ḥamīd, Arabic: عبد الحميد) (not to be confused with Abdul Hamed) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the Praiseworthy”, meaning “servant of God”, since al-Ḥamīd is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Ḥamīd. Due to […]

Abdul Jabbar (Name)

Abdul Jabbar (transliteration: ʿAbdul Jabbār, Arabic: عبد الجبار) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the Almighty”, “servant of the Omnipotent”, meaning “servant of God”, since al-Jabbār is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Jabbār. Due to the way the Arabic language works, […]

Abdul Karim (Name)

Abdul Karim (transliteration: ʿAbdul Karīm, Arabic: عبد الكريم) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the Most Gracious”, “servant of the Most Generous”, meaning “servant of God” since al-Karīm is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Karīm. Due to the […]

Abdul Majid (Name)

Abdul Majid (transliteration: ʿAbdul Majīd, Arabic: عبد المجيد) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the Most Glorious”, “servant of the Most Exalted”, meaning “servant of God” since al-Majīd is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Majīd. Due to the […]

Abdul Malik (Name)

Abdul Malik (transliteration: ʿAbdul Malik, Arabic: عبد الملك) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the King”, meaning “servant of God” since al-Malik is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Malik. Due to the way the Arabic language works, when […]

Abdul Qayyum (Name)

Abdul Qayyum (transliteration: ʿAbdul Qayyūm, Arabic: عبد القيوم) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the Everlasting”, “servant of the Self-Existent One”, meaning servant of God” since al-Qayyūm is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Qayyūm. Due to the way […]

Abdul Quddus (Name)

Abdul Quddus (transliteration: ʿAbdul Quddūs, Arabic: عبد القدّوس) is an Arabic name for God that means “servant of the Most Holy”, “servant of the Most Sacred”, meaning “servant of God” since al-Quddūs is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Quddūs. Due to the […]

Abdul Rahman (Name)

Abdul Rahman (transliteration: ʿAbdul Raḥmān, Arabic: عبد الرحمن) is an Arabic name for God that means “servant of the Most Gracious”, “servant of the Most Merciful”, meaning “servant of God” since al-Raḥmān is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Raḥmān. Due to […]

Abdul Razzaq (Name)

Abdul Razzaq (transliteration: ʿAbdul Razzāq, Arabic: عبد الرزّاق) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the Giver of Sustenance”, “servant of the Provider”, meaning “servant of “God” since al-Razzāq is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Razzāq. Due to […]

Abdul Samad (Name)

Abdul Samad (transliteration: ʿAbdul Ṣamad, Arabic: عبد الصّمد) is an Arabic name for boys that means “servant of the Most Enduring”, “servant of the Absolute”, meaning “servant of God” since al-Ṣamad is one of the names of God in Islam. The name is made up of the words ʿabd (“servant”, “slave”) and the name of God al-Ṣamad. Due to the way […]

IslamQA: Is nikah engagement or marriage?

Isn’t Nikkah actually a marriage? If nikkah is dissolved, isn’t the couple going through divorce and the woman has to observe the iddah? Why call it engagement when the Quran uses nikkah to mean marriage? Because there is a space between engagement (nikah) and marriage (consummation) that Islamic law acknowledges. If the couple separate after […]

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