Indonesia’s unlocked scientific potential?

The Scimago Journal & Country Rank is one of the things I look forward to most to seeing every year. The rankings show each country’s scientific output, a very important measure of a country’s present level of development and its speed of development. The biggest surprise in the 2017 rankings was from Indonesia, whose cited paper […]

IslamQA: Cleaning parts of the body hit by toilet splash-back

Assalamu ‘alaikum, when I use the toilet I feel splash-back (not certain exactly where so I wash everything) and it’s too hard to wash it off – i go in the tub (as staying on the toilet will cause even more splash-back) and it gets quite lengthy and tiring. What should I do to eliminate […]

IslamQA: Dealing with sexist hadith narrations as a woman

There are endless of hadiths that ridicules us woman. That says that we aren’t rational, intellectual etc. Many of them are of sahih. For instance the hadith in which asmaa bint Yazid was talking to the prophet sws and he and his companions were amazed that a woman could express herself as she did (which […]

Speeding up grep of a 12.4 GB text file

I am working on a vocabulary-building book for SAT and GRE students. Below is a picture of the provisional cover of the book: In order to have a wide corpus of classical texts to find word usage examples, I downloaded a massive ebook collection from the Gutenberg project and merged all of the text files […]

IslamQA: The responsibility of the oldest child in Islam toward their family

Salaam. Brother, I want to ask you something. Does the eldest child have to be the backbone of the family? What if the eldest child is a girl and both her parents are still working, and her siblings are still students, what does Islam say regarding this and what are your personal opinion about women […]

The Modern Islamic Studies Curriculum

This page presents a list of books meant for modern students of Islamic studies. These books are essential reading for any Muslim who wishes to be a capable modern intellectual who is able to think and write at the highest level and gain the respect of the other intellectuals. InshaAllah this page will be continually […]

Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet’s Legacy (Book Review)

Jonathan A. C. Brown is a well-known American scholar of Islamic Studies, who is currently an associate professor at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. He has written several books, related to Islam: Slavery in Islam, Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World, Muhammad: A Very Short Introduction, The Canonization […]

IslamQA: Kafara for wrongful abortion and manslaughter for one who cannot fast 60 days

If someone has had an abortion and they can’t fast for 60 days, will Allah forgive them if they constantly ask for forgiveness? There are two opinions on that. According to the Palestinian scholar Dr. Hisam al-Din Afana if a person cannot fast in that scenario, there is nothing else they have to do, they […]

IslamQA: A village imam was found in a brothel

Assalamualaikum. My friend told me about an imam in her village who was found passing away in a brothel. After an investigation on how he could end up there, it was found that the imam actually frequented the brothel to use the service. This really troubles me, how can someone who’s in worship more frequent […]

IslamQA: Can you take breaks between prayers in Islam?

AssalamuAlaikum, is it okay to take breaks between the units of prayer? I tend to get fatigued easily and find I need to wait before continuing. Also sau I have prayed 4 rakats of Isha and I leave to assist a family member in something quick before doing the next 4. Is that okay? I […]

IslamQA: How to have the motivation to finish things

How do we finish things? Like I usually have a problem of finishing reading a book,after some time I get bored and just stop reading and completely abandoning the book. This also goes for everything else like trying to learn something. Unfortunately your motivation to finish things is strongly influenced by the neurochemical balance in […]

Using PUT to RESTfully upload an image to a server with jQuery AJAX and PHP

When uploading a single image to a known location, for example a user uploading an image to use as their profile image, using a PUT request for the upload makes more sense than POST if you are trying to follow REST principles. I couldn’t find a complete solution online, so the following is what I […]

Live Discussion

This is an experimental live discussion page that functions as a forum and guestbook. If no one is online, you can still leave a message and it will be saved; I will reply to it when I see it. Everything is anonymous, no personally-identifiable information is stored. [quick-chat]

IslamQA: Does bleeding from the body invalidate ablution (wudu)?

Hello ^^ I have a question if you don’t mind answering: does bleeding from your body (not the private parts) invalidates ablution? I’ve done research online and it seems that opinions are split in half about this matter and I have no idea which to follow! Thanks. Hello, Bleeding does not invalidate the state of […]

IslamQA: Is the fajr prayer valid if the sun rises while performing it?

Assalamualaikum, if someone intends to pray Fajr but they wake up 5minutes before sunrise and then whilst they are praying it goes past sunrise, is their prayer invalid? Because when I first searched this online all the answers says just to wake up and pray immediately even if you’re late. So I assumed you didn’t […]

IslamQA: Managing stress and loneliness

Salam alaykum how may I manage stress and focus on myself, sometimes I feel lonely-no one contacts me I’m ok with it I really need to put myself first Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, There are hundreds of books dedicated to those topics, everyone is different so no one solution that works for everyone. You say you […]

IslamQA: Similarities between Islam and Buddhism

As-salaamu ‘alaykum, wa rahmatu-llaah. Would you be so kind as to talk about similarities between Buddhism and Islam? Jazak-Allahu khayran. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh, I haven’t studied Buddhism in any detail, so I cannot properly answer your question. But if you search online then there are many articles that deal with your question.

IslamQA: On being unable to read

Brother Ikram, I was reading your IslamQA page and I came across that you were unable to read. I also could not read for some time. What did you do to recover from that? I am now able to read but it’s still overwhelming for me. Can you share what you did? Sorry about your […]

IslamQA: Losing hope in life due to depression

Assalam Alaikum, recently the experiences I’ve been going through made me realise this life is worth nothing, and so I yearn for the end of it. My question is, is this a good or bad thing? The saying “everything passes” has become my life’s standard but subconsciously this has stopped me from looking forward to […]

The Way of the Spiritual Muslim

My new book The Way of the Spiritual Muslim is now available on as a paperback and Kindle ebook. This book contains all of the sayings of Ibn al-Jawzī and Ibn al-Qayyim from my previous books along with new sections presenting the sayings of Ibn ʿAbbās, al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī, al-Fuḍayl bin ʿIyāḍ, Imam al-Shāfiʿī, Imam Aḥmad, Imam al-Ghazālī,  Jalāl al-Dīn Rumi and Ibn ʿAṭāʾ-Allāh.

IslamQA: Are failed relationships due to qadar or predestination?

My qs is regarding qadr. A woman has 4 broken relationships 2 engagement and now her 2nd marriage which is in doldrums. Everytime she desperately wanted it to work out but some mistakes she made n some were misunderstandings. She tried to hold on to the dying relation but it slipped outta hand eventually. For […]

IslamQA: What are some good books on al-Ghazali?

What books should I read to know more about Al Ghazali? Please check out these books (the links go to The Book of Knowledge: Book 1 of The Revival of the Religious Sciences Al-Ghazali on Disciplining the Soul and on Breaking the Two Desires Al-Ghazzali On Knowing Yourself and God Al-Ghazali’s Philosophical Theology The […]

Forecasting the World’s Top 50 Most Powerful Countries in 2035 Using the HQI

The following table is a list of 50 countries that are predicted to have the most economic, technological and military power in the world by the year 2035, according to HQI theory. The projected power of the United States is set to 100 to make it easy to compare other countries with it. China’s projected […]

IslamQA: Book recommendations for a beginner to Islam

I was wondering if you could please recommend some Islamic books? I have done most of my Islam-related reading in Arabic and Farsi, so I don’t have many English-language books to recommend (which I’m assuming is what you were asking about). Imam al-Ghazali’s short book The Beginning of Guidance is a good guide for someone who wants […]

IslamQA: On writers similar to C. S. Lewis

Could you recommend authors who are/were similar to C.S. Lewis or maybe some Muslim poets whose poems are pretty decent and not too engaged in worldly love affairs. Thank You. Why not C. S. Lewis himself? His 4000-page Collected Letters is wonderful. He also has about 20 books, all of which are worth reading. The only other […]

IslamQA: On the Evil Eye, Hadith Authenticity and Confirmation Bias

I’ve always read protection from evil eye, al fatiha and 4kuls over my daughter before she sleeps every night. But every time I post her picture on Instagram and it’s only in stories so it’s not up very long, she soon starts vomiting and more difficult than usual. I don’t understand tho, I’ve read protection […]

IslamQA: Can you remain in contact with a relative who left Islam?

Salaam. my aunt left Islam. She says bad things about Islam and sometimes wants to challenge me academically but I don’t have adequate knowledge so I ended up more doubtful. As my aunt she cares about me and she’s nice to me. I had a lot of issues with my computer back then went I […]

IslamQA: Why I believe the Quran is truly from God

Is there anything that contradicts itself in Islam There is nothing in the Quran that contradicts itself. I have read it over 100 times and have never been able to detect a single contradiction or unwise saying in it. I have never had the same experience with any other book. I read the Harry Potter […]

IslamQA: Ibn al-Jawzi’s quote on combining opposites

Assalamualaikum, in your book ‘Way of the spiritual muslim’, there is a quote from Ibnul Jawzi no.52. I couldn’t quite grasp what was the actual message and how to apply it,it was about the combining of opposites. I would be very grateful if there is a brief explanation about it. Ibn al-Jawzi says: I seek […]

IslamQA: Being a night person as a Muslim

Salamu alaikum. Brother, is there a thing such as a “nocturnal person”? What do you think of such person who is wide awake at night and sleeping during the day? Is it mentioned in the Quran whether it is prohibited or not? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, That is often caused by having caffeine late in the […]

IslamQA: Islam and hobbies

Assalamualaikum. Do you have any tips on useful hobby? Or maybe you can share what you like to do on your down time? I try to be more productive by reading beneficial books between work break and during weekend, but sometime my brain just can’t take anything and I turn to social media or youtube. […]

Arabic Historical Thought in the Classical Period by Tarif Khalidi

This 1994 book is one of the most enjoyable Islamic studies books I have read, providing a survey of the development of the Islamic intellectual tradition. It covers the development of Hadith, sira (Prophetic biography), Adab (the Islamic literary arts) and Islamic historical writing. It is a good book for beginners as all technical terms […]

IslamQA: What is an essay?

Salaam alaikum. Would you kindly explain what is an essay and how do you make it? I have read your essays and I have no idea how it works. It looks just like another form of writing to me. Thank you and your respond is very much appreciated. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, An essay is just […]

IslamQA: Islam and creating manga

I really want to draw a form of comic books, A.KA. “manga”. The genre would be fantasy, and it would have a certain amount of violence. Is that ok in islam? Creating comic books and manga is neither good nor bad in itself from a mainstream Islamic perspective. It is similar to writing novels. The […]

Why We Should Stop Using the Word “Islamophobia”

Recently the British philosopher Roger Scruton was sacked from his government position for stating in an interview that Islamophobia is a propaganda word “invented by the Muslim Brotherhood”, among other statements. The interview was intentionally redacted by the journalist to put Scruton in the worst light possible. Since then the journalist has disappeared from social […]

IslamQA: House husbands in Islam

Your thoughts on House Husbands? I read that it is Haraam, unless the husband faces health difficulties, but then Islam is a religion that emphasized on “niaat”, so what if they both agree to let the wife to be the breadwinner, and it wasn’t a decision made because the husband is simply lazy? I do […]

IslamQA: How to stop wasting time on social media

I recently made an attempt to stop wasting my time on social media and things like netflix. Issue is, even though i read often, i find that i’m unable to replace that which i gave up with useful substitutes. Do you have any suggestions? The ability to intentionally choose to do something useful with your […]

On the evolution of language

Languages evolve or devolve until they reach the state of minimum energy consumption necessary for its speakers to conduct their affairs. Low IQ descendants of speakers of English will quickly lose most of their vocabulary and complex grammatical structures if they end up on an isolated island for generations. While the complexity of the language […]

Recovering from a SAXParseException error with no data loss

I was working on a book I’m writing in LibreOffice Writer. I am using the docx format for the book, as I plan to finish its formatting in Microsoft Word, not knowing that LibreOffice Writer has a tendency to corrupt docx files. After closing and opening the file again, I received the following error: I […]

Islam, the Good Parts: Guaranteed Basic Income for Women

One thing that is rarely mentioned when speaking about Islam, even among Muslims, is that Muslim women don’t have to work. They can work if they want to, but they don’t have to if they don’t want to. Islam makes it the duty of a woman’s male relatives to take care of her financially. Men have to […]

IslamQA: Fearing that you will never find your true love

Aselam Aleikum I am a young sister who fears she will never find the right spouse in life 🙁 I believe it’s easy to find a spouse (if Allah wills) but it is hard to find the right spouse who in love with you. Your “true love”. Do you you have advice? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, […]

IslamQA: Muslims may use “God” instead of “Allah”, and why most converts to Islam should keep their pre-Islam names

They say in our doctrine that the word “God” is way different than “Allah”, and shouldn’t be said as long as the Kuffar use it. We as Muslims differ from what they came with.. Similar to what happened when Adan was first confirmed. What’s your take on that? The Saudi scholar Ibn Uthaymeen says there […]

IslamQA: Honor killings and execution of adulterers in Islam

Salam. I grew up in Europe so I didn’t study Islam in a Muslim country so I haven’t been provided with the full version. However my cousin did in my motherland (Arab) and when we discuss islam with eachother it’s is so different, her views are more cruel in a way. For instance she said […]

Azbat (Name)

Azbat or Adbat (transliteration: Aḍbaṭ, Arabic: أضبط) is an Arabic name for boys that means “lion”. It also means “ambidextrous”, a person who works with both hands (as opposed to a right-handed or left-handed person). It also means “one who has a firm hold (on something)”. In modern Arabic it is used with the meaning […]

IslamQA: How do Azhar-educated Muslims end up as terrorists?

I’m just wondering how come some people who graduated from Al-Azhar ended up terrorists? Many of them have founded organisations such as Islamic brotherhood. I thought terrorism breeds as result of ignorance and incorrect knowledge, but since they receive proper ilm, on a scholarly level , then why this result? I can’t find neutral books […]

IslamQA: The chaining of Satan and difficulties with Islam’s metaphysics

I have an issue when it comes to believing in metaphysical entities such as devil or angels. Sometimes I don’t understand why Allah had these conversations with them. I think that if people do evil it’s rooted in their psyche. Also the fact that I had depression and suicidal thoughts and was told that it […]

IslamQA: It is permissible to celebrate Mawlid of the Prophet ﷺ

Neither rasool Allah pbuh, nor the companions, nooooor the predecessors congratulated for Mawlid ! Bidaaaaah bro, bidaah What you are saying is based on the idea (mostly propounded by Wahhabis) that any type of worship or Islamic celebration that was not performed by the early Muslims is automatically an evil and forbidden thing. People who disagree […]

IslamQA: Serving God when dependent on your parents

Does offering prayer, reciting Quran and being nice to people around me complete my deen? Because I don’t have opportunities to grow more than this, I’m totally dependent on my parents. So I cannot contribute any more to improve deen. JazakAllah! Read the Quran and follow its principles and ideals in your life, that is […]

The Early Development of Hanafi Usul al-Fiqh by Murteza Bedir

Download [PDF – 23 MB] Murteza Bedir’s PhD thesis The Early Development of Hanafi Usul al-Fiqh is an interesting study of the development of usul al-fiqh in the Hanafi school. It describes a process of slowly eliminating the freedom of intellect of the early Hanafi school as succeeding generations tried to reform the school to fit more with […]

IslamQA: Dealing with an eating disorder (and other mental conditions) as a Muslim

i wanted to bring this topic up since its not really spoken that much in the Muslim community. I’ve had an eating disorder for a year now and its honestly changed me as a person. I’ve prayed many times but i still feel regret after eating and it doesn’t help with a family who don’t […]

IslamQA: Why is sexual harassment of women common in Muslim countries? IQ and development, not religion

What I have noticed is that in Muslim countries in which there are more modest woman I get more catcalls, harassment, men following me, staring at my body parts etc. I’m not saying I’m for zina, but it feels unfair that they take out their sexual frustration on us. Maybe you’re not able to relate […]

IslamQA: When to stand up during the iqamah, at the beginning, a specific point or at the end?

In our part of the world, I have noticed a few people standing up for the salah when the caller pronounces the words “Haiya as Salah” during the iqamat and most stand up from the beginning of the iqamat. Which is correct? There is no specific evidence on the right time to stand up once […]

IslamQA: Islam versus Feminism

My professor told me that men and women have different purposes, so we can’t protest how men are more “free”. We can’t protest on how wives have to do what the husbands say as long as it’s right. My Mom also told me that if your husband says no, then you don’t do it. However, […]

IslamQA: Patriarchy in the Quran

Stick to posting Islamic art and quotes. Otherwise, go learn about the patriarchy and power imbalances before flaunting your misogyny everywhere. May Allah guide you. Islam is a patriarchal religion, where men get a degree of authority over their women in their households, and with that authority comes the burden of having to provide financially […]

“So Intoxicated I Am” by Jalal al-Deen Rumi

So intoxicated I am, so intoxicated I am today, That out of my hoop I have leapt today! Such a thing that cannot be imagined, That’s how I am, that’s how I am today! In spirit out to the Heaven of Love I went, Though in body still in this world I am today! I […]

IslamQA: Children who remember past lives

Salam! Could you please watch the YT video called ’10 Mysterious Kids Who Remember Their Past Lives’ and explain how this phenomenon is explained from an Islamic point of view? Do you think there are jinn involved? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, I have read about that, and there was this very interesting Reddit discussion where people […]

IslamQA: Islam and abortion

The issue of abortion is highly controversial in Islam. Shaykh Hamza Yusuf in his essay “When Does a Human Fetus Become Human?”, says that Imam al-Ghazali considered abortion prohibited but said that the severity of the crime increased with the fetus’s development. Hamza Yusuf considers the Mālikī school’s view to be the soundest, which is […]

IslamQA: What happens if a Muslim girl gets caught with a boyfriend?

If a girl is having a relation with a boy secretly (as a bf and gf) and get caught by her family, then what should be her family’s reaction towards her and if she realized her mistake and apologizes with her true heart? Please tell me about both of these situations According to Islamic point […]

IslamQA: What does it mean that everything is from Allah? Does it include evil?

وَإِن تُصِبْهُمْ حَسَنَةٌ يَقُولُوا۟ هَٰذِهِۦ مِنْ عِندِ ٱللَّهِۖ وَإِن تُصِبْهُمْ سَيِّئَةٌ يَقُولُوا۟ هَٰذِهِۦ مِنْ عِندِكَۚ قُلْ كُلٌّ مِّنْ عِندِ ٱللَّهِۖ According to this verse from surah an nisa everything is from Allah. Then why is it said that good dreams are from Allah n bad ones from satan? Not just for dreams, for other things […]

IslamQA: Responding to atheist arguments against Islam

What can you recommend when dealing with Atheists? Youtube recently recommended me a video about debunking 5 quranic miracles and I got really upset about the recommendation itself, but also about the video, as such things always upset me. (and anger really messes with my mental health which is why I avoid it at all […]

IslamQA: The Islamic ruling on watching movies

Aoa could you tell me the ruling on watching movies? Even innocent ones? Whenever i look up rulings on this people always say things like all movies are filled with nude women and corruption and it confuses me what am i supposed to do in all my free time if most things young people do […]

IslamQA: What kind of person deserves Hell in Islam?

Salam! If someone died a disbeliever (after hearing the message of Islam), is there any chance for them to be in heaven? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, You cannot randomly stroll into Hell. It has to be a very conscious and knowing rejection of God that is repeated over and over again, day after day and year […]

IslamQA: Can Muslim women be intellectuals and have careers?

Salamu alikoum. I’m wondering what you think of woman who are intellectual? I’ve heard many negative comments from muslims that woman are stupid etc, and I’ve also read a lot of ahadith about it. SubhanaAllah I’ve met sisters with PHD in mathematics, physics , with degree in philosophy and psychology etc. I personally know many […]

IslamQA: Is it permissible to gather to eat and pray for a dead person?

Is it permissible for people to gather to eat and pray and make dua for someone who has passed away? Or is this wrong That to me almost sounded like asking if breathing is permitted in Islam. And then I realized that you are probably asking because of all those people who go around saying […]

IslamQA: Self-love in Islam: Is loving yourself an Islamic teaching?

Is there any verses in the Al-Qur’an, or in Hadith that’s saying to love yourself? Is loving yourself important? In Islam we believe that psychologically humans are made of two parts. There is the ego (nafs), which is controlled by our brains and genetic instincts. Then there is the soul (ruh) which is where our […]

IslamQA: Being Muslim and antisocial

I’m very antisocial, I get very anxious when I meet new people and I don’t like having to deal with annoying people and I tend to get really upset and overthink about how people see me. I want to know if there is some ruling regarding ignoring people or not being friendly and approachable You […]

IslamQA: On my hadith verification calculator

AO, I’m not trying to sound critical but is it sound to follow a hadith probability calculator made by yourself with no scholarly consensus supporting it? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, That’s how Islamic scholarship works. Someone comes up with an idea and others either accept it or reject it. Sometimes a good idea is ignored for […]

IslamQA: Islam vs. Solipsism

Salamu alaikum. Brother, I just read about solipsism and what are your thoughts regarding it? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, If you mean the philosophical theory, it is based on the idea that there is only one channel of knowledge into the mind. Islam’s answer is that there are two channels. There is the soul which resides […]

IslamQA: If homosexuality is against nature, why do animals engage in it?

If homosexuality is against the rules of nature, why do 1500+ animal species (these are only the ones that have been observed for this purpose yet) exhibit homosexual behaviour? Homosexuality, adultery, infanticide and murder are normal parts of nature for animals. They are unnatural for creatures that have agency / free will. For humans a […]

The stoning of adulterers in Islam: No strong hadith shows it happened after Surat al-Nur

There are numerous hadiths that tell us the Prophet Muhammad PBUH stoned a number of married adulterers. The most important hadith might be one where the Jews of Medina bring a cause of married adultery before the Prophet PBUH. The Prophet PBUH wants to deal with the adulterers according to Jewish law (probably because no […]

IslamQA: Can you continue praying tahajjud if you forget it sometimes?

Salam I just wanted to know if you forget to pray tahujaad namaz Can you still continue reading them..Because I was told that you have to constantly read them… Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, The tahajjud prayer is a voluntary prayer that you can do whenever you are able. There is no requirement to do them constantly, […]

IslamQA: Why did God create humans?

What’s the point of life? I can’t seem to find any meaning in it. The universe is a factory for creating true friends of God. Think of what “true friend” means. A true friend is someone who loves you and trusts you even though they have no mathematical proof that you love them. God throws […]

IslamQA: Can a Muslim woman leave her house without the permission of her husband?

Assalumalaikum Can a woman leave her house without the permission of her husband? Is the Hadith forbidding this authentic? The Islamic family functions according to the principle of qiwāma, which refers to the fact that the husband is the ultimate authority in the household. Women are free to seek divorce or threaten divorce, but while […]

IslamQA: If God does not make mistakes, why does He allow homosexuals to exist?

If Allah created everything he surely did not make mistakes. For he is perfect and all knowing. If Allah knows everything why would he deny a homosexual? Did Allah not create that person to be that way? you are born that way. If Allah brought you into this world why would man tell you, you […]

IslamQA: On my hadith probability calculation method

AO, I’m not trying to sound critical but is it sound to follow a hadith probability calculator made by yourself with no scholarly consensus supporting it? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, That’s how Islamic scholarship works. Someone comes up with an idea and others either accept it or reject it. Sometimes a good idea is ignored for […]

IslamQA: The income of a father who works in a usurious bank

Salaam. My father works in a bank, to which we all know that no bank is free from usury. When I have enough courage to tell him that his job involves usury, he made an excuse that it is totally fine. My question is, does this make his effort to make a living for the […]

IslamQA: Is it necessary for a Muslim to learn Arabic?

Hi, I am 20yo I don’t know how to read Arabic, and cannot read Quran in Arabic. But I do read it in English translation. Do you think it is necessary for a Muslim to learn to read Arabic? Should I start learning as well? I’ve tried earlier but I find it very difficult. The […]

IslamQA: Is it permissible for a man to marry if he needs his wife’s and relatives’ financial help?

Assalaamu ‘Alaikum, In cities and towns with ridiculously high rent and living costs, young Muslim men are doomed. Apparently they’re not allowed to marry if they cannot fully financially support the wife? If that’s true, then how would one reconcile him now being exposed to immense fitnah (since they may have a women they love […]

IslamQA: The difference between tahajjud and qiyam al-layl

Salam. Brother, I have learned that if we want to pray tahajjud, we have to get some sleep first. If we do it right after ‘isha prayer before sleep, it is only called qiyamul lail. Does that not count as tahajjud, even if our niyah is to pray tahajjud? Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, Tahajjud means “to keep vigil”, […]

IslamQA: The morality and immorality of sexual fantasies

Sexual fantasies is not the same thing as having a “wet dream” where you are literally asleep and can’t control your dreams. To fantasise means your are leading your thoughts to imagine and visualise and thus stimulate yourself. To entertain such thinking is not moral and thus not normal or healthy. Instead of answering hormones […]

The Islamic Case for Scientific Empiricism and Skepticism toward Supernatural Phenomena

In answer to questions regarding people observing miracles I would explore all possible scientific explanations for seemingly miraculous events before thinking of supernatural causes. Even if there is no scientific explanation now, one may find such an explanation one day. As I mention in my essays on why God allows evil to exist and on reconciling Islam and the […]

On Islam’s view of psychology and scientific reductionism

What do you think of theory of psychology like Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? Is it worth it to study it to understand human personality or is it just a mere fun and entertainment? Also, how does Islam view the majority of theory of psychology which was born in Western? Thank you. I love your blog! Islamic […]

IslamQA: Dealing with fraud without legal recourse

This is a bit of a particular question, but how are Muslims to deal with fraudsters and malicious cons? How are transactions, trade, or deals initially agreed upon supposed to be enforced when legal institutions aren’t a viable option (for example in remote villages, an informal loan or deal made between people in civil society, […]

IslamQA: Does Islam restrict and oppress women?

I have questions to ask regarding verses in Quran. I’m confused if Islam actually promotes equality between genders like how it is said. There are verses about right-hand possession, hitting wife if she doesn’t listen, being extremely strict about female’s hijab, women not being able to go outside, being under husband’s control, if she doesn’t […]

IslamQA: Is alcohol in tinctures and drugs halal?

I was wondering if grain free alcohol in tincture supplements is halal? Thank you The general rule regarding alcohol is that any alcohol-containing liquid that can cause intoxication is forbidden to drink. So beer is forbidden despite containing a small amount of alcohol. However, vanilla extracts that are dissolved in alcohol are permitted (according to […]

IslamQA: Why did God not create humans to be perfect?

Recently,when I read Quran,instead of fixing my belief in God, there started to occur tricky questions. Right now I am stuck with this one: “Allah is El-Kuddûs.The One who is beyond all human understanding of purity, perfection and holiness.But shouldn’t all of His creations be as much perfect? Why did devil become devil? Isn’t it […]

IslamQA: Dealing with a homosexual child in Islam

Asalam Walikum, how do would you handle a situation if your child is part of the LGBTQ+ community? Since Islam prohibits it, I don’t want to disown a child so what would be the right way to handle it? Below is a preliminary answer to your question. I may change it if I find out […]

IslamQA: Quantum theory and time travel in Islam

What do you think about quantum theory? Do you think humans can time-travel? I have read a number of books on quantum theory but I do not know enough about it to express a general opinion. As for time-travel, forward time-travel seems to be possible and unproblematic (if you are on a spaceship that flies […]

IslamQA: What do Muslims think of non-Muslims?

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Would you kindly explain to me how the religious Muslims think that people other than them are apostates or infidels? I’m a Muslim, but I find this rather rude and unpleasing. If Muslims were given some kind of ability to shift perspective with them, I doubt the Muslims would want […]

IslamQA: Are disturbing dreams a sign of a bad character?

AsalamAlaikum I lately have been having some disturbing and disgusting dreams. They feel so real that I get shocked when I wake up. I take refuge from Shaitan, and ask Allah to forgive me. Do you have any knowledge about this, why I get dreams like this? Things happen that I would never do in […]

IslamQA: On wanting to make someone convert to Islam

Slam alicome my brother I really like your page and because of Allah and then you, I feel I become good and strong believer in Allah. My question actually is not a question : I know a woman who works in subway restaurant and we like talking about religions sometimes and It’s one of my […]

IslamQA: Islam and having boyfriends or girlfriends

Assalamualaikum, I’m still a teenager and as teenagers do, I keep having intentions to have a girlfriend. I know its not the right thing to do at this age and at the because of the limitations between male and female in Islam. I need advice and a reminder from someone married and older. Alaikumassalam wa […]

IslamQA: Is studying hard science a form of worship (ibada)?

Assalamualaikum, is studying STEM topics considered an ibadah, and if so, how do we make sure that the things we study may benefit us in the akhirah. Thank you. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, My own thinking is that if we do the minimum of daily worship necessary to maintain a high character, and if our life […]

IslamQA: Loving someone but sexually desiring another person

Asalam Walikum, I have an issue. I feel that I can’t stop having these intimate desires for this person, I can’t stop feeling hormonal about it. I do like someone else but I like that person romantically not sexually. I do fear that if I end up with that someone else I’ll still have sexual […]

IslamQA: They cannot stop sinning despite their worship and feel like a hypocrite

Salamalaikum Brother Ikram, I hope all is well. I tried to implement what you mentioned in your essays into my life. But I still feel guilty, shameful, and lonely. It’s a part of life now. I have been patient and I have sought therapy for a long time as well, but nothing seems to work. […]

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