The Quranic and hadith evidence for prohibiting touching non-mahrams

Assalamualaikum I came across a hadith on Facebook which says that touching any non- mahram woman is harām. I wanted to ask if that Hadith is authentic, and if it is so, then to what extent does this rule apply in our life. I mean I have female relatives who are quite elder to me( […]

IslamQA: On getting close to Allah

Assalamualaikum How can we get closer to Allah? I was am a firm believer in Allah and I follow almost all Islamic duties except praying all five times (due to laziness) . I know it’s very important to pray but whenever I resolve to pray regularly I do so just for a few days and […]

IslamQA: The Islamic stance on writing novels

[1] Salam, don’t know if this is the best place to ask, but I feel you give perceptive answers that make a lot of sense, & you have answered questions relating to writing poetry etc aswell as reviewed a contemporary romantic novel Ayesha At Last on your blog. Personally I hope to one day write […]

IslamQA: The Problem with Quranism

What do you think about Quranism? (The idea that we should rely on the Quran, augmented by reason and experience, for our spiritual and ethical lives, and not the Hadith? It makes a lot of sense to me that God would want us to follow his message, with the aid of the gifts of feeling […]

IslamQA: Raise children as Muslims, or let them choose their own path?

Salam, brother. I hope you are in a good health. I have this thought passing through my mind and I’m deeply thinking about it and concerned if one day when I am married and have children, of what should I do in that situation. And so, I have a rather personal question for you related […]

IslamQA: Being a Muslim, tomboy and lesbian

I’m Muslim, tomboy, lesbian and I hate myself I tried to be normal but I just can’t what should I do? I understand the difficulty of your situation. My advice is to accept yourself as you are; you didn’t ask to be this way. My second advice is to carry out your Islamic duties as […]

IslamQA: She is attracted to a married man

I have feelings for this guy but he’s married. I do not think he feels the same way as I do. He’s also a non Muslim. I can’t stop thinking about him. What would you suggest I do? You should treat it like any other temptation. We are generally not able to control how we […]

IslamQA: Dealing with life’s stress and fast pace as a Muslim

Assalamualaykum. How to slow down in this fast pace life? I mean, I rush with almost everything. I lost my consciousness and awareness about myself, what I’m doing, my surroundings, even with my prayer and my relation to Allah. I’ve realized time just passed by without barokah in it. I’m afraid I’ll die with such […]

IslamQA: Avoiding self-pity as a Muslim

Salam! Do you have advice on how to not pity oneself. I didn’t realize how much I actually do this and how it goes on to affect the way I interpret my daily life and past. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, I believe the cure is to have a very firm belief in the fact that God […]

IslamQA: How should a moderate Muslim treat conservative, liberal and Islamist Muslims?

Salaam. Brother, do you have any advice on how a moderate Muslim should behave towards the conservative, the liberal, and the Islamist Muslims? I seem to see them in a negative light and I know it’s not the right attitude towards those who have different perspective in faith and life in general. Also, I hope […]

IslamQA: On avoiding anger and dislike when arguing with people about religion

As-salaamu ‘alaykum. May Allaah bless you. I benefited greatly from two of your books: “The Sayings of Ibn al-Jawzi,” and “The Sayings of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah.” ….. ….. One of the sayings by Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy on him, stood out for me. He said that, as we increase in knowledge, we […]

IslamQA: Curing jealousy in Islam

Salam alaykum. For a long time I’ve been tested with jealousy. I am deeply insecure with myself physically and spiritually, and jealousy makes me feel uglier. My spouse in the past use to look at other women and that really made me more insecure and jealous. He has changed now. But jealousy is still something […]

IslamQA: Is it permissible to read the Quran without wudu and when menstruating?

Should I perform wudu before reading from it? Can I read when I’m going through menstruation? Reading the Quran without wudu is permissible, but touching a book of Quran without wudu is considered impermissible by most scholars. I’m not entirely convinced by their arguments but just to be safe it is best not to touch […]

IslamQA: Building social skills

What would you recommend to someone who lacks social skills? How can they improve themself? Any suggestions? As far as I know the best way is to place yourself in a lot of situation situations, such as getting a job where you have to deal with people a lot, such as a store cashier.

IslamQA: She wants to pray but cannot make herself

I don’t know how to word this properly, but for a really long period of time, I just feel when troubles come up in life, I get extremely emotional and overly sensitive. I can’t focus on school and my worth ethic drops and I spend all my time crying or distracting myself. A lot of […]

IslamQA: They had a worrying dream in which someone they love was being hurt

Salaam, I had a dream where someone I know (have known for years) and trust was hurting someone I really love and care about. The person being hurt is a child and I’m now always worried about them. I don’t know what the dream meant but I wish there was a way to forget or […]

IslamQA: Difficulty in praying due to a mental block

I don’t know how to word this properly, but for a really long period of time, I just feel when troubles come up in life, I get extremely emotional and overly sensitive. I can’t focus on school and my worth ethic drops and I spend all my time crying or distracting myself. A lot of […]

IslamQA: Why can’t Muslim women lead prayers?

Assalamu walaikum. I have a debt, I read here, that for important reasons a woman can lead prayers at home to her family members, but why can’t she in mosques? Why aren’t there women leading prayers inside mosques? (I know there are many men guiding prayer, but wanted to know about women on this spiritual […]

IslamQA: Public interactions between the sexes in Islam

Salaam. Would you explain why in some Islamic sources that men and women should not be allowed to be together alone or mixed in some places or situations (e.g. markets, streets, or party, meetings, etc.)? I was studying Islam and they try to apply this in real life, only to be resulted as when the […]

IslamQA: Which sura must be recited after al-Fatiha? What to do in prayer if you haven’t memorized much Quran?

Is there certain surahs we must recite in salah? I usually just recite surah Al-Kafirun and surah ikhlas because I do not know any other off by heart. You can recite anything you wish after al-Fatiha; it can be a whole sura or a verse or two (such as the Throne Verse by itself). Assalaamu […]

IslamQA: Can a wife demand her owed living allowance after divorce?

Salam alaykum. May I ask? How is the law about a wife who demands divorce (khulu’), then May she collect a living allowance that has never been given by her husband? During the 6 months of marriage, her husband only gave her a living allowance once. Syukron . Jazaakallah khayr Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, According to […]

IslamQA: The things in Islam permitted and prohibited when menstruating

It is permitted for a menstruating woman to do everything she normally does except for: Performing acts of worship that require ṭahāra (ritual purity): the formal prayer (ṣalāh), fasting, circumambulating the Kaʿba and performing iʿtikāf (staying overnight at the mosque for worship). Sexual intercourse Touching books of Quran (but she can read Quran as mentioned […]

IslamQA: The types of touching between spouses or strangers that nullify wudu

I recently went to a Mastura group and was told that women’s wudu is invalidated if she so much so touches her husband but when you sleep it isn’t invalidated. So if you go to Makkah again if you touch a non Mahram it’s not invalidated because of the crowds and circumstances. Things like this […]

A postmodern critique of postmodernism

The postmodern mode of critique is to try to “read between the lines” to discover what structure of power the text is supporting. A person who reads the Bible and sees in it support for a patriarchal society might actually be “reading patriarchy into the Bible” rather than “reading patriarchy out of the Bible”. Humans are often hopeless […]

Beauty as Pointer: An Islamic Theory of Aesthetics

There is something special about beauty, as has been recognized by philosophers in the recent centuries. If someone says the above piece of architecture is ugly, I would judge them either liars or somehow morally corrupt. When we appreciate beauty, we feel morally uplifted. This is very strange. Why should appreciating some design have any […]

IslamQA: Porn is destroying my life, I’m not able to control the urges

Porn is destroying my life, I’m not able to control the urges. It has lead me to do things that I can’t even say. My life is being destroyed and I’m just not able to control myself in those moments. Slowly I feel like I’m falling into an abyss of depression likes the one I’ve […]

IslamQA: Is “halal” nail polish really halal?

I’ve recently came across ‘halal nail polish’ that is apparently water permeable and therefore we can perform our prayers as usual. What are your thoughts on this? (Since we cannot pray with normal nail polish on) I hope you can answer my question Proper wuḍūʾ (ablution) requires that the nails should be washed. From what […]

IslamQA: Getting emotional when thinking about God

Whenever I think of Allah I get tears in my eyes. I just always get so emotional without really thinking of anything specific, it’s just like an automatic reflex of my body to react like that. I don’t know what to ask you, I guess I’m just curious about why you would think that happens […]

IslamQA: Wiping over socks to avoid frostbite from ablution

Brother, I get frost bite on my toes in winters so I have not been washing my feet while performing ablution since grade 9 (Only In winters). Is my act right or wrong? Also I miss prayers cux of cold weather nowadays so tell me how can I get motivation to offer prayer regularly in […]

IslamQA: Fixing mother’s relationship with her sister

Two years ago, I got badly hurt and I didn’t get the support from my family which I needed that time and it made be rebellious. So that time knowingly but not intentionally, I created fight between my mother and her sister. I feel so bad about it now. I tried my best to solve […]

IslamQA: On not feeling close to God

Salam I pray 5 times a day alhamdulilah but only the fard salah. The problem that I’m having is I feel no real connection which makes me so guilty. I want to be able to feel close to Allah but I fear my imaan is low and there are days when I don’t even feel […]

IslamQA: Islam and the legalization of recreational drugs

I really love your blog, keep up the amazing work! I have been researching about the dealings of the mafia in various countries, and came to the conclusion (after thorough research) that legalizing all kinds of drugs is the best way to eradicate a big part of the mafias (to remove one of their main […]

IslamQA: Why Islam does not have a specific punishment for rape

Why does God frown upon consensual sex before marriage more than rape? I’ve done some research and haven’t found anything about rape. Many don’t even validate rape and equates it to normal sex . The only hadith I stumbled on about a woman who had been raped (in this case it was referred as forced zina). […]

IslamQA: Muslim woman prays without hijab

Alsalam alykum, I need an advice to solve this problem, a friend of mine started to read a lot and I got no idea what type of books she reads, but I’ve noticed some changes in her way of thinking and behavior. She told me recently that she prays without hijab because she’s not sure […]

IslamQA: Are the prayers and fasts of a non-hijabi accepted?

Salam brother, I’m a muslim sister, I’m having a hard time to start wearing hijab and I think I’ll wait for the next year My clothes usually consist of tight jeans and t-shirts but I’m making changes to wear large pants and clothes that are more baggy but without wearing hijab, will allah be happy […]

IslamQA: The real meaning of kāfir and the difference between small kufr and big kufr

Is not wearing hijab kufr if the person knows and accepts that it’s God’s command but has a hard time fighting his nafs [ego]? Kufr has two meanings when used in the Quran: To deny a truth To deny a blessing The best translation of kufr might therefore be “denial”, a denial that includes both the […]

IslamQA: On Muslims working for companies that deal with interest

I just wanted to ask you since my major is economy and some jobs involves working with the interest rate especially if it’s a firm that works with lending money. Can I still work with them? There’s a lot of competition here in this country regarding this major so saying no to a job means […]

IslamQA: On giving up a sinful relationship

I was and still am in a “friends with benefit” relationship with a senior in my uni, it wasn’t intimate one but making out and I fell in love with him but he doesn’t love me back. I’m a revert and he happens to be a Qatari. I know we both have sinned but we […]

IslamQA: Her friend is too involved with her male colleagues

Assalamualaikum, please I need your help! My best friend has too many male friends from her college, she talks to them and sometimes goes out with them. She knows it’s wrong, but whenever I speak to her regard this she tells me “we work on the same college projects together”, but she talks to them […]

IslamQA: Why do different Muslims (such as Hanafis) follow different prayer timings?

I have a confusion brother ! Please clear my mind of it. Im born in a hanafi family. Living in dubai, i see different kind of muslims praying differently, which gets me so confused that i think iam on the wrong way . Just wanna ask u why these hanafi shaifee hanbali and all others […]

IslamQA: How soon are the sunnah prayers performed after the fard prayers?

I have a question regarding sunnah prayers. How are they preformed? For example, maghrib you pray 3 fard do you then stand up straight away and pray the two rakat or are you meant to wait? You do not need to perform the sunnah prayer immediately after the fard prayer. Each fard prayer can be […]

IslamQA: Islam and dealing with PTSD from sexual abuse

Salaam, greetings from Malaysia. I am 21yrs old. I need help. I just feel like i need to let this out before i go crazy and do something i might regret. Not many people know of this but im dealing with PTSD. I was assaulted by my uncles at the age of 5,13 and 16. […]

IslamQA: What to do if the Quran (in English) does not touch your heart

I have an issue I feel bad about. Whenever I read the Qur’an i can’t connect to it. At worst I haven’t even had a clear feeling it’s from God. Idk why. Maybe because I don’t know Arabic. But whenever I watch a religious video explaining the religion i feel very connected. You could try […]

IslamQA: What to do if strict/intolerant Muslims make you dislike Islam

I’m now making slowly process to turn to Islam (as a Muslim) after years of no Iman. However sometimes I can come across really blogs here that post Islamic posts that are really strict and even dark in someway. I feel like I can’t keep it up if Islam requires me to hate other religions […]

IslamQA: Islam’s theory of free will versus physical determinism: Why humans are responsible for their actions even though God operates the universe

In your essay “God, Evolution and Abiogenesis,” you said an atom has no power to move on its own. It is God who has to move every single thing that moves in this world. Given that, does that mean we don’t have free will? On the atomic level, it is due to the chemical reactions […]

IslamQA: Masturbation is not clearly forbidden or allowed in Islam

The generally accepted principle of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) is that when it comes to enjoying sexual pleasure, everything is forbidden unless it is explicitly allowed. The Quran’s general teaching on sexuality is that Muslims should “guard their privates” except when taking pleasure in the context of a religiously sanctioned intimate relationship. A strict interpretation of this verse is […]

A Collection of Quotations of Ahmad Moftizadeh

I read this book as part of my reading of all available material on Ahmad Moftizadeh. It is a short book of a little over 100 pages. Below I will mention some of the ideas and quotations I found interesting. Regarding education, he says that the best way to raise Muslim children is for the parents […]

IslamQA: On intentionally delaying the isha prayer

I’ve read that it’s best to delay isha namaz I was wondering exactly how long should it be delayed for? There is an authentic narration in which the Prophet ﷺ says that he would have liked to ask his followers to pray isha at the end of the first third of the night, or at the […]

IslamQA: “Am I a fake Muslim if I feel guilty at what other Muslims are doing?”

I feel guilty sometimes because I feel because I’m muslim I am responsible for the bad acts of Muslims. Because a lot of muslims do sometimes bad stuff and justify them with Islam. Can I be a Muslim and not think or agree with them? I don’t want to be seen as someone who’s a […]

IslamQA: Why is seeking knowledge important in Islam?

Why is seeking knowledge important in Islam and how does seeking knowledge not only religiously brings us closer to Allah swt? The Quran says: 25. If they disbelieve you, those before them also disbelieved. Their messengers came to them with the clear proofs, with the Psalms, and with the Enlightening Scripture. 26. Then I seized those […]

IslamQA: The purpose of hijab in Islam

So recently, I found out about the Quran being vague about the hijab. This person was saying many scholars argue that it’s left vague so that it can fit into any culture. But I heard many sheikhs say that it’s haram to not wear the hijab, even if it’s uncommon in your society.I don’t have […]

IslamQA: “I always feel depressed. What should I do?”

I always feel depressed. What should I do? Depression could be due to physiological causes (high blood sugar, for example), or life situation, or mental/psychological problems. There are also conditions like bipolar which cause recurring episodes of depression without end, and the person has to do their best to cope. If possible, you should get […]

IslamQA: Did God destroy the People of Lot for rape instead of homosexuality?

According to science human sexuality is on a spectrum and same can be said about gender identity. As you answered someone’s question here and advised them to read the Quran . You said that we have different psychology. I wonder then why Allah said in the Qur’an that people of Lot were approaching men instead […]

IslamQA: Can prayer change your fate and destiny in Islam?

Is that true that dua has so much power that it can also change what’s written in your destiny (I read it somewhere). The Quran says that if Prophet Yunus [as], had not been among the musabbiḥīn (those who make it a habit to perform God’s remembrance), God would have not have saved him from the belly […]

IslamQA: On avoiding looking at inappropriate images on the internet

I am a 20 year old lady, and I have this problem of constantly clicking on ‘inappropriate images’ and when I’m done, I feel bad and ask for Forgiveness, but it’s become so repetitive! How do I remove sexual desire from within (just until marriage)? I don’t even talk to the opposite sex, but what […]

IslamQA: Is it forbidden in Islam to be friends with a transgender person?

Is it haram to be friends with transgender person? One of my best friends is one and my mom does not approve this even tho I’ve known this person since childhood. My mom already made me quit friendship with someone else because they did not believe in God. I live in western country and it […]

Affan (Name)

Affan (transliteration: ʿAffān, Arabic: عفّان) is an Arabic name for boys that means “virtuous”, “chaste”, “one who avoids sin”.. It is a more emphatic form of the name Afif. Affan may also be spelled as Affaan, Afaan and Afan. The name Affan is best known as the name of the father of the third Rashidun Caliph […]

IslamQA: Dealing with an addiction to pornography

Assalamu’alaikum. I’m a girl and I’m struggling with my porn addiction. Most of my friends assume that I’m such a religious person just bc i graduated from Islamic boarding school. They just don’t know the fact that I’m addicted to porn:( I feel guilty for everytime i watched it, ask for His forgiveness then stupidly […]

IslamQA: The fate of atheists in Islam

Are all atheists going to hell?It seems unfair to me for anyone to spend an eternity of suffering because they didn’t believe in God, specially if beside that they are nice people. Its been really hard for my iman. In the past it was draining. I spent pretty much all day thinking about the billion […]

Awsat (Name)

Awsat (transliteration: Awsaṭ, Arabic: أوسط) is an ancient Arabian name for boys that means “noble”, “high-born”, “high in status”, a respected and honored man who comes from a well-known family. It also means “the best” (of anything). Its literal meaning is “middle”, “moderate”. There is one Companion of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH named Awsat: Awsat bin […]

IslamQA: How can we know if our dua is delayed or rejected?

How can we know if our dua is delayed or rejected? Every prayer you make is an act of worship, and in response to it God arranges things more favorably for you. There are no wasted prayers. But God’s response to our prayers is a matter of the Unseen world that is hidden away from […]

IslamQA: What a man should do if he does not have the money to marry

I wanna wife her right now but I don’t have money to take care of her what should I do? her family wont let her marry a man with no money The only thing you can do is be patient. And to increase your chances of God making things easy for you, I recommend always […]

IslamQA: Rolling sleeves and pants in prayer

Salamu alaikum. Brother, I want to ask that I read somewhere a very long time ago that we are not suppose to roll our shirt’s sleeves or our pants to pray. Is it true and what does that mean? Shukran. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, There is a hadith mentioned in Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim that says […]

IslamQA: Her mother is abusive toward her little sisters

assalamu aleikum, since my mother gave birth to her first son she won’t stop demonizing my little sisters, she always shouts at them for the most meaningless things and constantly takes things away from them if my brother wants them. i always defend my sisters, and always remind her her attitude is unworthy of a […]

IslamQA: Can a Muslim woman show her hair and body before a non-Muslim woman?

Salam. Brother, what do you think of some scholars having an opinion which says that muslim women’s awrah cannot be seen by those of non-muslim women, and that when they visit us home and if we’re having a night over with them, we should cover ourselves like when we go outside? Jazakallah. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, […]

IslamQA: How to return stolen money

I read your blog and thank you so much for the answer,there’s only one sin that I couldn’t fix it,when I was in high school,my friends were making fun of me,they were calling me “Fag,faggot” and they talk bad about behind me they made me so sad and angry,I wanted revenge so I stoled their […]

IslamQA: Is democracy permitted in Islam?

Is the democracy system considered haram in Islam? Managing a country is similar to managing a business or a village. People should do whatever works best in their circumstances. There is a hadith that says the Muslims will eventually establish a caliphate, but as I discuss here, that hadith is unauthentic. The reality is that Islam […]

IslamQA: Can one take medications when fasting?

hello, i know ramadan is months away but i wanted to ask this before i forget, can we take medication while fasting? without water of course, because i get really bad migraines and i need pills to calm them Taking medications by mouth is not permitted when fasting. You could try taking the medication before […]

IslamQA: Do eye drops break the fast?

Hello, does using eye drops break the fasting? There are different opinions on whether eye drops break the fast or not. The Mālikī and Ḥanbalī opinion is that it breaks the fast. The major Ḥanafī scholars believe it does not break the fast. According to Dr. Ali Gomaa (Egypt’s Grand Mufti from 2003 to 2013) says […]

IslamQA: Why is there little mention of mental illness in Islam?

Assalamualaikum, why is there so little mention of mental illness in Islam? Even though I know the science for it, since Islam hardly mentions it whenever I feel depressed or anxiety unexplainably I feel it is somehow invalid because Allah swt didnt comment on it much? I think especially depression and anxiety is becoming increasingly […]

IslamQA: Should one support one’s mother or grandmother in a conflict?

Asalam aliekum my mom is not nice to my grandma, should i support my mom or my grandma.what does islam say on this, please reply as family is going through lot of stress Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, Sorry to read about your difficult situation. The Quran says: As for those who believed afterwards, and emigrated and […]

IslamQA: Why do Muslims use Jewish names?

Salaam,my mom said after she gave birth to me she named me “Yakup” after that she said she fall asleep and she saw a dream,she said “I was in water and there was a lot of people in the water with her too,water was so clean and then everybody told me” Look that’s prophet Yakup” […]

IslamQA: A Muslim’s view of climate change

What are your thoughts on climate change? I feel like a lot of the warnings of how climate change will affect the world is similar to the way the End is predicted in Islam. The drying up of the river, earthquakes, a large wildfire driving away people. This question was prompted after reading your optimistic […]

IslamQA: The Islamic view of following celebrity gossip

Is it sinful to read articles about celebrities or talk about them? Is that like backbiting? I know this question is a little strange but it just struck me. It is only backbiting if you mention a negative fact about someone that would upset them if they heard it. So some types of celebrity gossip […]

IslamQA: Having friends who make fun of Islam

I have friends who are not muslims. Sometimes they make fun of islam and we go into discussions but i feel like sometimes they just want to insult muslims. 2 of them are atheists and another one is a christian. They ask the same questions/claims repeatedly but always jump from one question to another before […]

IslamQA: Feeling guilty about sexual fantasies

SelamunAleykum! I’m 19 years old boy,sometimes I’m thinking of very very bad things,that things mostly are sexual fantasies,I’m thinking that things about anyone but I don’t wanna think things about like that,Sometimes I feel like these thoughts take me over and move me, I think too much bad, but I don’t hurt anyone, I don’t […]

IslamQA: If God is responsible for guidance, why are humans punished for being misguided?

Assallamualeykum! I was wondering if there is any proper answer for this question I was asked the other day: “If it is God who decides whether the person believes in Him or not, why would He still send people who don’t believe in him to hell, isn’t that decision made by Himself already?” And then […]

IslamQA: How to get up for fajr prayer when you keep falling asleep after the alarm

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh. I hope this question finds you in high imaan & good health, aamiin. I would like to ask for your tips on getting up for Fajr prayer. I’ve set up my alarm and get awaken in time (usually 1 hr before syuruk) but instead of getting up to do wudhu […]

IslamQA: If God loves us, why does He allow us to suffer?

Lately this hasn’t been making sense to me – I am at a low place in my life where I have no emotional relationships at all and I don’t feel needed/wanted. So when I turn to Islamic advice, I keep reading things along the lines of “You need to pray more because you need God, […]

IslamQA: Is Iran a truly Islamic government?

What you think about Iran? I mean about the Iranian Islamic government,do you think is that real Islam? Forcing woman’s to wearing hijab and forcing people to worship? The Shias have their own “contract” with God and are responsible for the truth as they know it. I believe all humans have a conscience (what some […]

IslamQA: Repeating prayers due to uncertainty about having performed them correctly

Assalamu alaikum I keep forgetting things in my prayer or more likely doubt it. Like I would say the Basmalah before reciting and I would start doubting or say the dua in rukoo and maybe when am in sajdah I will start feeling like I didn’t say it. sometimes I tried to continue praying but […]

IslamQA: Her secret romantic relationship cured her depression

AOA! I had severe depression for more than 2 years that I could neither focux on my studies nor on my daily routine tasks. My family wasn’t supportive and I had no friend to talk to, as my father doesn’t let me leave home much.I was a mere dead soul. So one day I started […]

IslamQA: Is it permitted in Islam to jokingly call others insulting names?

Is it haraam to call each other insulting names even as a joke say like between friends? The Quran forbids using insulting names: Nor shall you slander one another, nor shall you insult one another with names. (From verse 49:11) The above appears to refer to instances of using insulting names with the aim of […]

IslamQA: Superficial knowledge versus true knowledge

Assalamualaikum. A few days ago you posted a quote “Superficial knowledge breeds arrogance; true knowledge induces humility.” by Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi. Since you have dealt with lots of knowledge, may I know your opinion of this quote? Thank you very much and have a blessed day. Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah, Knowledge is like other blessings; […]

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