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IslamQA: Dealing with a narcissistic mother

Assalamualaikum, what advice would you give someone who has an emotionally manipulative and narcissistic mother? I don't feel natural feelings of love towards her because it's clear to me that she doesn't like me. And when I need to help her with things it's not with a positive feeling, and that makes me sad because we are meant to honour our parents. But it is very hard when you know there is no love underneath any parental duties she is obligated to do for me.

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Sorry to read that. I would say do what you know to be right towards them and don’t worry about your feelings. We can’t help how we feel toward others. But we can be dutiful and kind regardless of how we feel. 

Please see the 25 articles on this page on my site for many answers to questions similar to yours: Dealing with parents in Islam

Best wishes.

And God knows best.
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