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IslamQA: What do jinns in dreams mean?

assalamu aleikum, does having nightmares with djinns have a particular meaning that we should take into consideration? or are they just like any other bad nightmares?

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

My attitude toward dreams, good or bad, is that they are just natural phenomena caused by the way the brain works. I consider it a waste of time to try to read too much into our dreams or try to interpret them, unless we have the same dream many times.

I have seen no hadith that mentions jinns have a special significance in dreams.

And God knows best.
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4 years ago

I have been dreaming since 1 month same dream about jinns where i see 2 jinns together.jinns want to take my nephew and i don’t want to let them take i try to save him in my dream but i can’t save him and i woke up every time.i don’t know what does it mean.please help

4 years ago

I have been having the same dream but im able to save him and take him to my grandparents house i just wake right there

4 years ago

I’ve been having nightmares of jinns for 4 nights straight. And they all began with me being alone in the house and jinns scaring me very badly, until I manage to scare them away. Before that I’ve been bothered by a jinn in reality, one time I was sleeping on the couch and it began to whisper things and facts about Satan and Harry potter (l know its weird) later i was sitting on a sofa then suddenly it began to kick my knees and my feet, when I woke up my phone alarm immediately rang, I recited Surah Baghare from the Holy quran, after that I didn’t feel the jinns stare or disturbance.

4 years ago

Hello, I have recently had a dream where I was attacked by a jinn who came in the form of a mutual friend. They taunted me and asked me to say bismillah but I couldn’t and they called me pathetic and I woke up. My grandmother says it’s evil eye from either the girl who appeared in my dream or a jinn has fallen in love with me. What does this mean? I’m in desperate need of help.

Saifullah khan
Saifullah khan
3 years ago

Assalam u alaikum I had a dream recently where my sister is shouting on my nephew downstairs and I’m up and I can hear them and I see nephew going round and round playing infront of me that got me curious and I just thought that if they’re downstairs who’s this and he i just go angry to him and I slap him but my hand goes inside him out and hes angry and suddenly the skin color goes dark and I see mirror shards rising from his body and then he runs away and when I tell my sis this and run downstairs she says yes a man came and told me the story and said I was worried that if he touched me the shards would hurt him what does this mean although we do think my nephew is with immense power and we think that there’s a jinn like helping him please help me out it was a really like real dream it’s 4pm and in shivering

3 years ago

Salaam , I hope you can help , It’s have been near 5 years , I am dreaming same horrible things in same date of months every year ,I grow up in a hunt home after 8 year living their we leave that home , but than I start dream that home always with a jinn over their ,which I feel and I want to run way , it’s happening so 5 years , I even saw 2/3 times Shadow in our home , please help