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IslamQA: The difference between a woman’s mani, mazi and wadi

Salaam. Pardon me for asking this, for it's heading towards women privacy, but I had to ask. How to tell between wadi, mazi, and mani from women? Thank you very much for your time reading and answering this question. Jazakallah khayr.

Manī (ejaculate) is a liquid that sometimes comes out with orgasm and smells like egg whites. The ejaculating of manī necessitates ghusl (showering), whether it happens when asleep or awake. If it is caused to ejaculate on purpose (through masturbation), it invalidates the fast. Madhī (vaginal muscus) is secreted during sexual arousal. It does not require ghusl, but it nullifies ablution and it should be cleaned away. It has no effect on one’s fast.

Some scholars considered manī and madhī impure (najis), but I prefer the opinion that it is pure (the ruling for both is the same for men and women). The purity of manī is the opinion of Imam Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal, and Ibn Taymiyya, while the purity of madhī is the opinion of the two scholars and it is also stated by the great Successor and scholar Saʿīd b. al-Musayyab (it appears we do not have a report on his opinion of the purity of manī). If manī or madhī are on the body or on clothes, there is no need to wash them off for the prayer to be valid. The ruling for them is the same as for mucus from the nose; it’s best to keep the body and clothing clean from it, but it does not invalidate worship.

Wadī is said to be a white discharge (coming from the urethra if I understand correctly) that sometimes happens after urination and is treated the same as urine. It does not necessitate ghusl and has the same rulings as urine.


And God knows best.
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5 years ago

How to make difference between mani and mazi??

4 years ago

Mani and mazi…any colour difference for female? Like men, mani is milk white but mzi is crystl white.
I m married so i know.
Plz guide for women

2 years ago
Reply to  Z

Do u mean if orgasm(climax till no more desire) has happened but with no squirts??? But just little wetness of 5 , 6 drops of translucent fluid not thick fluid??? Is this madhi then?? If someone get orgasm through clitorus, but she hasn’t squirted to release fluid of let say more than 1 spoon(the way it happens through g-spot orgasm) but just its few drops, so is it madhi or mani?? Is ghusl thus far incase of this kind of orgasm? Plz it’s so confusing. I am not getting answer of this anywhere clearly in case of females.

4 years ago

Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Ta’ALLAH Wabarakatuhu! I read all the comments but I still don’t understand anything. Please, in a lame man’s term, can you meticulously elucidate what are wadi, mazi and mani.

4 years ago

As you mentioned that Madhi is pure and doesn’t need to be washed in clothes and body ,but also mentioned about disagreement of other scholars .And its also in Hadith that Muhammad asked to wash it by handful of sprinkled water from clothes and wash it from body.
Can women just make wudu and ignore washing ,will it not contradict the situation and Hadith.
And I also agree with you that it is pure and it shiykd be.
It’s really distressing for women to wash their parts and clothes even by sprinkling ‘coz others will notice why you are doing this,its also about privacy since men’s sexuality is another thing and women’s private.

4 years ago

Assalam o alaikum
I need to ask, after urinating I have to wait long because of discharging Wadi is it right wait or otherwise i could get other disease by sitting like it and sometimes I get fresh from washroom but when see Wadi still discharging I am totally confused, do I become dirty with this discharge

4 years ago

Sorry, I’m still confused. Are you saying if it doesn’t squirt out, then you don’t have to make ghusl? Say it’s jsut a little more wet after orgasming rather than “quick squirts”, do you need to make ghusl?
How can you differentiate between the two if there is no clear difference physically? Just the knowledge that you felt an orgasm.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Basically the liquid that is squirted out is where u have to do ghusl but the discharge – the thing that doesn’t squirt out- is a normal thing so u don’t need to do ghusl for that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Do u mean if orgasm(climax till no more desire) has happened but with no squirts??? But just little wetness of 5 , 6 drops of translucent fluid not thick fluid??? Is this madhi then?? If someone get orgasm through clitorus, but she hasn’t squirted to release fluid of let say more than 1 spoon(the way it happens through g-spot orgasm) but just its few drops, so is it madhi or mani?? Is ghusl thus far incase of this kind of orgasm? Plz it’s so confusing. I am not getting answer of this anywhere clearly in case of females.

Last edited 2 years ago by N.A
4 years ago

Assalamu Alaikum
Verdicts (fatwa) provided by you in sources are not clarifying that mazi is pure.