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IslamQA: Is it disliked to study philosophy in Islam?

Is it true that philosophy is considered a dangerous topic to discuss or do a study or just dive deep into it for knowledge? Some religious people in my country think that philosophy is dangerous to Muslims and we should not study about it.

The mainstream opinion is that there is nothing wrong with studying philosophy as long as a person is able to do their own research and find answers to any questions that come up for them regarding religion. Many of Islam’s great scholars deeply studied philosophy, such as al-Ghazāli and al-Rāzī.

Personally I love the study of philosophy and consider it an essential field of study for Muslim intellectuals. If we do not keep up with the latest philosophical ideas we will not be able to answer the latest questions and doubts that are raised about religion and God and we will be deprived from many beneficial ideas.

Some scholars dislike its study because they fear that it will cause people to doubt their religious beliefs or embrace un-Islamic beliefs. But there is nothing in the Quran or hadith that forbids philosophy. It is just a personal opinion of these scholars that philosophy might be harmful to some people.


And God knows best.
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