Hawramani Encyclopedia of Muslim Baby Names

Baqeera (Name)

Baqeera (transliteration: Baqīra, Arabic: بقيرة) is an ancient Arabian name for girls that refers to a type of garment worn by women. Its literal meaning is “something that has a slit, because it was worn by putting it over the neck through a slit in the garment.1 Ibn ʿAbbād says it is worn by Indian women.2

Baqeera is also spelled Baqira, Baqeerah and Baqirah.

There is one female Companion of the Prophet Muhammad named Baqeera:

  • Baqeera, wife of al-Qa`qaa`بقيرة امرأة القعقاع

Below is the name Baqeera written in Arabic naskh script:

Below is the name Baqeera written in Arabic kufi script:


  1. Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876), بقر.
  2. Al-Ṣāḥib bin ʿAbbād, Al-Muḥīṭ fī l-Lugha (d. c. 995 CE), بقر.
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