Hawramani Encyclopedia of Muslim Baby Names

Azza (Name)

Azza (transliteration: ʿAzza, Arabic: عزة) is an Arabic name for girls that means “young female gazelle”.123 The gazelle is admired in Arabian culture for its agility and the beauty of its eyes.

There are four female Companions of the Prophet Muhammad named Azza:

  • Azza al-Ashja`iyyah عزة الأشجعية
  • Azza bint al-Harith عزة بنت الحارث
  • Azza bint Khabi lعزة بنت خابل
  • Azza bint Abu Sufyan عزة بنت أبي سفيان

Below is the name Azza written in Arabic naskh script:

Below is the name Azza written in Arabic kufi script:


  1. Sultan Qaboos Encyclopedia of Arab Names (Sultan Qaboos University, 1985), عَزَّة.
  2. Al-Ṣāḥib bin ʿAbbād, Al-Muḥīṭ fī l-Lugha (d. c. 995 CE), عز.
  3. Ismāʿīl bin Ḥammād al-Jawharī, Tāj al-Lugha wa Ṣiḥāḥ al-ʿArabīya (d. 1003 CE), عزز.
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