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IslamQA: What creationists get wrong

What is wrong with creationists?

Assuming this is a serious question, the problem of many of the religious when dealing with science is that they think there is an opposition between God and nature, so that if something is given a natural explanation, they think this takes away God’s involvement in it. So they have to talk about “guided evolution” because they cannot imagine how God could cause evolution to happen without guiding it day by day. Or they think that finding scientific explanations for rain or hurricanes means we can no longer attribute these phenomena to God’s agency.

As I explain in the following essay, we do not need guided evolution to attribute to God the creation of living things, and finding scientific explanations for phenomena does not take away God’s involvement in them because the whole universe is like a simulation controlled by God:

Reconciling Islam and Darwinian Evolution: Al-Ghazali’s Matrix and the Divine Template

And God knows best.
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