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IslamQA: The ruling on failing to make up missed fasts until the next Ramadan starts

AOA last year i found out the fasts that are missed have to be made up at a later time but bcoz i cant cook and no one in my household really makes up missed fasts i couldnt get around to it even tho i always wanted to, i wanted to know if i could make them up this year? or is there no longer time, also is there a specfic time of year in which fasts can be made up or is it allowed all year long Thank you

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

It is obligatory to make up missed fasts. If the next Ramadan starts before you are able to make them up, wait until Ramadan finished then make up those fasts. There is no specific time of the year for making up fasts, you can do it whenever.

The Māliki, Ḥanbalī and Shāfiʿī schools believe that a person who fails to make up fasts before the next Ramadan starts should pay a kafāra for each day of fast they have failed to make up ($10 donated for each day), while also being required to make up the fasts when Ramadan ends. Some of the Ḥanafī school, however, believe that no kafāra is necessary and this is the opinion I prefer.


And God knows best.
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