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IslamQA: Should women perform ghusl after masturbation?

Salam if a girl happens to masterbate is she supposed to perform ghusul after? And if she should is it the same as the one she does after finishing her period? If asking for a friend jazakAllah kheir

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

For a woman masturbation requires ghusl only if she orgasms and her orgasm is accompanied by ejaculation (according to the Shafi`i opinion). A woman’s ejaculation is a discharge that comes out in quick spurts similar to a man’s ejaculation. Also, note that inserting fingers in the vagina does not require ghusl afterwards.

There is just one kind of obligatory ghusl, all you need to do is ensure that all of your hair and body get drenched in water. There are some voluntary sunna acts that you can do, but like I said they are voluntary. The sunna way is to wash your palms, then your private parts, then perform wudu, then wash your head three times, then wash the rest of your body.


  1. Fatwa from the Qatari Fatwa Authority (Arabic PDF)
  2. The Kuwaiti Encyclopedia of Fiqh, Kuwait, second impression (1986), vol. 6, 333.
  3. IslamOnline fatwa (Arabic PDF)
  4. Saudi fatwa (Arabic PDF)
And God knows best.
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4 years ago

What is the difference between ejaculation and orgasm.
If you are an unmarried female and have a masturbation problem. Where sometimes your stomach carps if you refrain from it.
Will ghusl be compulsory everytime

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Ejaculation is when a liquid comes out, orgasm is just the feeling of sexual satisfaction after masturbation. When you ejaculate, you have orgasmed. If you orgasm, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have ejaculated.

4 years ago

I have some waswasa regarding this matter Being a women for cleaning inside vigina is regular work to maintain Hygiene. When i insert finger in vigina evil thoughts come to mind but i leave it but last night when i wash inside i feel some thing it is not like sexual arouse but i afraid of it no discharge happen dua for this feelings do i Perfrom fard ghusl?

4 years ago
Reply to  Sumaiya


I have some waswasa regarding this matter Being a married women for cleaning inside vigina is regular work to maintain Hygiene. When i insert finger in vigina evil thoughts come to mind but i leave it but last night when i wash inside i feel some thing it is not like sexual arouse but i afraid of it no discharge happen dua for this feelings do i Perfrom fard ghusl

3 years ago
Reply to  Sumaiya

You do not have to wash the inside of your vagina as it is a self cleaning organ , just wash the area around it

Talha Ubaidullah
1 year ago

Jazakallah. Thank you for the clarification on ghusl after masturbation. The explanation of the obligatory ghusl process is helpful and appreciated.