The answers on are based on the research of Ikram Hawramani in the Quran, hadith, scholarly works and respected fatwa sources. You can view Ikram Hawramani's credentials on the about page. Please note that we do not issue fatwas, we only compile the opinions of respected scholars (even when a fatwa is not explicitly cited) to make their opinions accessible to English-speaking Muslims. If an answer does not cite fatwas, please feel free to leave a comment asking for a fatwa citation and we will update the answer as soon as possible to include fatwas.

IslamQA: On the hadiths mentioning camel urine as a medicine

Assalamualaikum I wanted to know about Islam's stance on the consumption of camel urine. I read somewhere that a group of people was asked to drink it by the prophet(). Is that Hadith authentic? Also, do other versions of this narration (which do not mention camel urine) exist?

The hadith mentioning it is authentic. I haven’t studied the hadiths that mention camel urine as I do not consider it an important issue, especially since scientists have discovered camel urine to have medicinal properties. The most important benefit is its ability to kill microbes and prevent bacterial infections:

And God knows best.
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5 years ago

May I suggest improvement?

Use the ē for the long ‘e’ sound, which is a native English sound/ letter ie me, he, she..

Stop confusing people with ‘i’. Hence Hadēth- a report, new; hadith (an incident).
So Bukharē; tafsēr, Nasa’ē, iklēl, jalēl etc.

And use ō for alif/ waw combination. Hence Ikram Hōramanē. This is accurate rathr your misleading and grossly ignorant transliteration where Arabs/Persian think
the sound in ‘Lit’ is an ‘e’ and the sound in ‘me’ is an ‘i’.

Thank you