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IslamQA: Is it permitted for a woman to go on umra without a mahram?

Mahram for umrah In ur mahram achives u have mostly given references of hadith regarding hajj which is fard and has to be performed but what abt voluntary umrah. If a woman wants to perform umrah frequently with any female friend or relative will it be halal? Secondly in ur mahram hadith research u quoted a distance of 3 days and nights. If done on camel it wont exceed 100 km which is much less than distance frm many countries. Lastly assuming umrah w/o mhrm isnt permitted will dua made at such umrah with ikhlaas also be not considered for acceptance??

The general scholarly opinion, as discussed in the previous answer, is that if a woman’s safety is ensured, then there is no restriction on how distant or for how long she can travel without a mahram. Therefore if she is in the company of good and trustworthy people then there is no issue with her going on umra without a mahram.

And God knows best.
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