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IslamQA: Being a night person as a Muslim

Salamu alaikum. Brother, is there a thing such as a "nocturnal person"? What do you think of such person who is wide awake at night and sleeping during the day? Is it mentioned in the Quran whether it is prohibited or not?

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

That is often caused by having caffeine late in the day. As for the Islamic view, I know of no Quranic verses or hadiths that apply directly to it.

During Ramadan I often stay up the whole night until fajr because I am unable to work (programming and writing) when I am fasting, and to avoid spending an entire month unproductively, I switch my schedule so that I stay up at night and sleep during the day. I know some preachers speak against this, but since there is no clear evidence against it, and since my intention is not to avoid the difficulties of fasting but to be able to work, I believe it is fine.

And God knows best.
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5 years ago

I appreciate your answer.

However, I don’t often drink coffee, but instead I have a reverse sleep pattern. I have a messed up circadian rhythm since couple years ago. so that might be the case. This has rather become a lifestyle of mine. Same question, is it still okay if, at this rate, it becomes a lifestyle?

5 years ago

It did interfere with my religious duties and I have missed prayers because I’m too fatigued to wake up after staying up all night. I’m currently trying to fix my sleep pattern. So far, I have done better than yesterday and I can wake up for fajr. But, when maghrib comes close to isha prayer, I feel drowsy and want to go to sleep immediately and this made me skip isha. Other times before, I skipped fajr, too. I’m only worried that this would be repeated again as a consequence of trying to fix my sleep pattern without medication. Let’s see if I can fix it naturally.

Anyways, thank you for your answer 🙂