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IslamQA: How to be hard on yourself and easy on others

Salam, I know there’s an idea that you should be hard on yourself and easy on those around you. How can/do you identify when you’re being too easy on yourself? Should the majority of my life be focused on self improvement? I feel like I’ve dedicated a lot of time to this but it hasn’t really been all that successful and I also don’t like treating myself like some sort of self improvement project.. if you have any insight on this, how we should consider ourselves and our actions, wud appreciate

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

If you find out a friend committed a sin, you should be willing to forgive them immediately. But our own sins should be more serious to us. And while you can accept it of others to not read the Quran much or pray tahajjud, you should try to do these things yourself daily. Put yourself through the hardship of worship and God will ease other things in your life for you. This has been my experience.

Best wishes.

And God knows best.
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