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IslamQA: The ruling on drinking ejaculate during oral sex

During intercourse, when my wife ejaculates and squirts, am I allowed to drink/ingest it?

According to the imams Mālik, Abū Ḥanīfa and an opinion transmitted from Aḥmad, ejaculate (manī) is impure (najis) where from a man or a woman, and since ingesting impure things is forbidden, the ruling is that it is forbidden to ingest ejaculate. However, the Shāfiʿī school considers ejaculate pure, which would mean ingesting it is permissible. But Imām al-Nawawī, one of the greatest representatives of the Shāfiʿī school, prefers prohibiting ingesting it.

The matter is not clearly spelled out to us by the Quran or hadith. These are the opinions that the jurists have arrived at out of their own reasoning.

So while oral sex is permitted by most scholars as far as I am aware, drinking ejaculate is at least highly problematic.


And God knows best.
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3 years ago

Can I ejaculate or squirt my wife by licking her vagina. Is it permissible in islam?