No Reddit table maker? How to easily put a large table on reddit

It is pretty easy to put a table on reddit. Below are step-by-step instructions:

  1. If the data is on a website, or in an Excel spreadsheet (you can skip these if not):
    1. Create a new spreadsheet and paste your data in there.
    2. Save your data as a comma-separated text file (CSV).
    3. Open the file in notepad (or another plain text editor) and copy.
  2. Go to
  3. If you copied your data from a CSV (as in step 1), go to file->import and choose CSV, then paste what you copied in step 1.3.
  4. If you are making a table from scratch, simply enter your data into the boxes you see. Use the menus to modify the table to fit your needs.
  5. Once you have your data, click on the Markdown tab.
  6. Copy the text you see below the tab and paste it in the reddit editor.
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