5 Islamic articles on: Baby Names Meaning “Brave”

Table of contents for the topic Baby Names Meaning “Brave”
  1. Ashja (Name)
  2. Antara (Name)
  3. Antar (Name)
  4. Abbas (Name)
  5. Abis (Name)

Ashja (Name)

Ashja (transliteration: Ashjaʿ, Arabic: أشجع) is an Arabic name for boys that means “brave”, “courageous”, “fearless”.12 Ashja also means “male snake”.34.

Ashja may also be spelled as Ashjaa and Ashja’.

There is one Companion of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH named Ashja:

  • al-Ashja bin Sinan الأشجع بن سنان

Below is the name Ashja written in Arabic naskh script:

Below is the name Ashja written in Arabic kufi script:

Antara (Name)

Antara (transliteration: ʿAntarah, Arabic: عنترة) is an Arabic name for boys that means “bold”, “brave”, “courageous”.12 Antara is the name of a famous pre-Islamic Arabian knight and hero, Antara ibn Shaddad al-Absi (d. 608 CE).3

There are four Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) named Antara:

  • Antara al-Shaibani عنترة الشيباني
  • Antara al-Sulami عنترة السلمي
  • Antara bin Naqb عنترة بن نقب
  • Antara bin Wahb al-Adawi عنترة بن وهب العدوي

Below is the name Antara written in Arabic naskh script:

Below is the name Antara written in Arabic kufi script:

Antar (Name)

Antar (transliteration: ʿAntar, Arabic: عنتر) is an Arabic name for boys that means “brave”1, “bold”2, strong3. Antar also means “house fly”.4

There is one Companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) named Antar:

  • Antar al-Adhri (al-Udhari?) عنتر العذري

Below is the name Antar written in Arabic naskh script:

Below is the name Antar written in Arabic kufi script:

Abbas (Name)

Abbas (transliteration: ʿAbbās) is an Arabic name for boys that means “lion”1 and “a lion that other lions run away from”2. Its literal meaning is “grim-faced”.34

There are 15 Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with the name Abbas (see list below), the most of whom is Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, uncle of the Prophet:

  • al-Abbas bin Anas bin Aamir al-Salamiالعباس بن أنس بن عامر السلمي
  • Abbas bin Jamhanعباس بن جهمانal-
  • Abbas al-Himyariالعباس الحميري
  • Abbas al-Ra`liعباس الرعلي
  • Abbas bin Ubadah bin Nadhlahعباس بن عبادة بن نضلة
  • Abbas bin Abbas bin Abd al-Mutallibعباس بن عباس بن عبد المطلب
  • al-Abbas bin Abd al-Mutallib العباس بن عبد المطالب
  • al-Abbas bin Utbah bin Abi Lahab al-Hashimiالعباس بن عتبة بن أبي لهب الهاشمي
  • al-Abbas al-Sulamiالعباس السلمي
  • Abbas bin Alqamahعباس بن علقمة
  • Abbas bin Qais al-Hajariعباس بن قيس الحجري
  • Abbas bin Qais bin Aamirعباس بن قيس بن عامر
  • al-Abbas bin Mirdas al-Salamiالعباس بن مرداس السلمي
  • al-Abbas bin Ma`di Karb al-Zubaidiالعباس بن معدي كرب الزبيدي
  • al-Abbas slave of Bani Hashimالعباس مولى بني هاشم

Below is the name Abbas written in Arabic naskh script:

Below is the name Abbas in Arabic kufi script:

Abis (Name)

Abis (transliteration: ʿĀbis) is an Arabic name for boys that means “lion”1, its literal meaning is “angry”2 and “fierce”3.

There are four Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) who have this name:

  • Abis bin Ja`dah al-Tamimi عابس بن جعدة التميمي
  • Abis bin Rabee`ahعابس بن ربيعة
  • Abis bin Aabis al-Ghaffariعابس بن عابس الغفاري
  • Abis slave of Huwaitib bin Abd al-Uzzaa عابس مولى حويطب بن عبد العزى

Abis was the name of a sword mentioned by the poet Farazdaq, belonging to someone called Abdulrahman bin Sulaim al-Kalbi.4

The name Abis may also be spelled as Aabis, Abes, Aabes, and ‘Abis.

Below is the name Abis written in Arabic naskh script:


Below is the same name written in Arabic ruʿqah script: