Chronic fatigue update: Naps and the failure of vitamin D3 and zinc

This is an update that applies to my chronic fatigue treatment program.

A week ago I started having 2000 IU vitamin D3 and 25 mg zinc sulfate with my 3 PM meals. This helped my mind feel active and willing to learn in the evenings. I was finally able to finish Plato’s Republic and read through half of The Canterbury Tales.

Unfortunately, I experienced worsening fatigue during the day, which culminated in my not being able to get any work done at all for the past three days. Yesterday I realized that the new addition of the vitamin D3 / zinc supplements might be culprit, so I didn’t have any yesterday.

Today I feel like I’m recovering. I’m able to work again, but I have headache-like feeling in my head, like I’m recovering from brain damage, probably due to toxicity from high levels of calcium (caused by D3) and zinc sulfate.

Therefore I’m going back to my old solution for having a functioning brain in the evenings: To lie down for 45 minutes before I eat. Therefore I will be lying down from 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM, listening to an old audiobook (as new audiobooks require too much attention and will prevent proper rest).

This can be called a nap, but it is not necessary to fall asleep. I don’t like doing it since I don’t enjoy it, and I don’t feel good at the end of it, but it works. I am able to listen to new audiobooks in the evenings after doing this.

Napping after the meal doesn’t work for whatever reason.

Napping for less than 45 minutes doesn’t work. I have tried 30 minutes and didn’t get anything like the benefits of napping for 45 minutes.

Vitamin K2

It is possible that taking high doses of MK4 (a type of vitamin K2) will prevent the damaging effects of vitamin D3. 25 mg zinc is still too high and lower doses should be tried. I have run out of MK4, maybe I will try this out in a month or two.

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