Hawramani Encyclopedia of Muslim Baby Names

Baghum (Name)

Baghum (transliteration: Baghūm, Arabic: بغوم) is an Arabic name for girls that means “a female gazelle who makes a soft, gentle cry to her young one”.1 By extension it means “a woman who has a soft, gentle, feminine voice”, “a woman who sings to her child in such a voice”.23

There is one female Companion of the Prophet Muhammad named Baghum:

  • al-Baghum bint al-Muaddal البغوم بنت المعدل

Below is the name Baghum written in Arabic naskh script:

Below is the name Baghum written in Arabic kufi script:


  1. Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876), بغم.
  2. Al-Ṣāḥib bin ʿAbbād, Al-Muḥīṭ fī l-Lugha (d. c. 995 CE), entry for بغم.
  3. Sultan Qaboos Encyclopedia of Arab Names (Sultan Qaboos University, 1985), بَغُوم.
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