1 Islamic articles on: Baby Names Meaning “One Who Has Beautiful Eyes”

Table of contents for the topic Baby Names Meaning “One Who Has Beautiful Eyes”
  1. Aayan (Name)

Aayan (Name)

Aayan (transliteration: Aʿyan) is an ancient Arabic name for boys that means “one who has large beautiful eyes”1, it is the masculine form of the girl name ʿAynaaʾ2.

There is one Companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by the name of Aayan:

  • Aayan bin Ḍubayʿah أعين بن ضُبيعَة

Abdullah ibn Aayan was a scholar of hadith.3

Aayan may also be spelled as A’yan, Ayan, Ayen and Aayen.

Below is the name Aayan written in Arabic naskh script:

Below is the same name written in ruʿqah script: