1 Islamic articles on: Personal Questions

Table of contents for the topic Personal Questions
  1. The story of how I met my wife

IslamQA: The story of how I met my wife

Tell us the romantic tale of how you met your wife 😊 Masha'Allah you seem so happy!

We met on OpenDiary, a social media site where we made diary entries daily. That was in 2007. We married when I was 19 and she 23. I was unfortunately extremely immature at the time, so it took me many years to become a reasonably good husband. This is why I recommend women should prefer men older than 25. With age men become more gentle and mature (hopefully). Alhamdulillah our relationship is almost perfect now, I cannot think of any way it could be better. The biggest thing I’ve learned is to always treat her the way I want to be treated. Since she has the same attitude, we can work through any problem. I don’t think we have had a single argument in the past many years. She knows I do not differentiate between her interests and mine, and I know she is the same way.