1 Islamic articles on: Islam and Pedophilia

Table of contents for the topic Islam and Pedophilia
  1. Islam’s approach to child brides and pedophilia

IslamQA: Islam’s approach to child brides and pedophilia

I seek to know more about Islam. What is the approach to child brides and Forgive my word; Pedophilia. I’ve heard conflicting sides and I seek a solid answer regarding it as to put to rest any concerns surrounding it. I thank you.

Islam lets each culture determine the age of marriage for themselves. Generally in non-technological cultures marriages happen a few years after girls start menstruating. In warm areas where menstruation happens at 9, marriages happen around 12, and in cold areas where it happens at 17, marriages are around 20. 

Islam permits Muslim countries to pass laws to determine a minimum age of marriage. Islam requires that the woman be old enough to give her informed consent to the marriage (or refuse), but what is considered old enough may change from one country to another. Women should also always have the right to get a divorce if they want.

If you are referring to the Prophet’s marriage PBUH, please see this article on my site: A Hadith Scholar Presents New Evidence that Aisha was Near 18 the Day of Her Marriage to the Prophet Muhammad