32 Islamic articles on: Dealing with parents in Islam

IslamQA: Dealing with parents who favor their other children

Assalam alleikumwarahmatuallahi wabarakatu.am stayn wid ma mother and ma daughter but ma mother loves ma others sisters kids more dan mine we always have fight bZ off of dis situation plz would like u to help me what to do.i was thinking to go leave alone widout my mom but shes old .and i dnt want to leave her but no peace.what should i do.help

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,

Sorry to read about your situation. May Allah help make things better. Unfortunately there is little we can do about how our parents treat us. The best that you can do is be patient and treat your mother with love and kindness regardless of how she treats you, similar to the way that some parents treat their selfish and unloving children with love even if the children do not deserve it.

Work to maintain a close relationship with God through such acts as daily Quran reading as this can be a great help in giving you the contentment and motivation to always act according to what is good and right.

Best wishes inshaAllah.

IslamQA: Dealing with a toxic family

Assalamualykum Dear Brother, Allah says that family is a great trial. I have been living in a toxic family environment for some time in which my sisters and mother do not get along. In this situation, I love them both, and it hurts me in a deep way when they fight and I can do nothing at all to make the situation better. I try my best to stick to the commands of Allah and have made constant dua regarding this situation. What should be the response of my heart? Am I too attached to my family members or is patience the only solution?

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

I’m sorry to read about your situation. May Allah make things better for you. Unfortunately there is often little that we can do about how others, including our family members, behave. The best we can do is be patient. Something that helps greatly is to have a close relationship with God, such as through daily Quran reading. This helps detach you from worldly concerns and enables you to always act according to what is good and right regardless of how others behave.

May Allah bless you.

IslamQA: Is it permissible for a daughter to dislike her father?

All fathers do a lot for their daughters even after they get married. In our culture it is a way to keep respect of ur daughter at her in laws. But my father didn't even give me dowry and now he doesn't even give a penny after marriage. Even if I tell him u humiliate me in front of my in laws by doing this. He says I'm not his duty anymore. I despise him for this. am I wrong or my father? can't I despise him for this and all of his other agonizing treatments that he has done with me and my mama?

I’m sorry that your father is like that. It is true that legally he is not required to give you money (since you have a husband now), but it is highly dishonorable for him to think that this means he can just forget about your needs.

You are free how you think of your father, and you are not required to control your feelings toward him. You are only required to not cut ties with him, to be as respectful as you can be when dealing with him, and to do what you can for his welfare (whether he deserves any of these things or not). Consider these things acts of charity that God will reward you for (inshaAllah). If you feel he doesn’t deserve these things, that makes the charity even greater.

Best wishes.

IslamQA: Is it haram to not speak with your father for the rest of your life?

Is it forbidden to not talk to my father for the rest of my life? I haven't seen or talked to him in 7 years and me and family are better off without him. He's unreliable and has shown no interest in any of ours life even when he was here. The first only reason him and my mother were even married was because it was arranged.

Sorry about your situation. Unfortunately that is forbidden. We are not allowed to cut ties with blood relatives, it is one of the major sins the Quran warns us against many times. You can try to be polite and dutiful even if you don’t have any good feelings toward him. You may be interested in this previous answer: Is it sinful in Islam to not love your parent?

IslamQA: Benefiting from a parent’s haram income

Salam, My parents are seperated, when I see my dad and he takes us places or buys us food I'm pretty sure his income isn't halal so I feel awkward about letting him take me and my siblings places and paying for us, is it wrong if I let him (I've tried to raise it with him he just says Allah will understands and dismisses it… :/) jzk

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

It is permitted for a child to benefit from a parent’s income that is a mix of halal and haram, as discussed in this previous answer: The income of a father who works in a usurious bank

IslamQA: The Islamic view of cutting ties with a stepfather

Is it sinful for me to refuse to see my stepfather after he cheated on my mentally ill mother?

The Islamic prohibition on cutting relations with relatives only applies to blood relatives, not in-laws, stepparents and children, so you are free how you decide to treat him. It is of course best to forgive him if they are still together. Islam also forbids not speaking to a fellow Muslim for more than three days, if you are both Muslims you can try to maintain a polite relationship using your phone and social media while avoiding him in person.

IslamQA: Dealing with a narcissistic mother

Assalamualaikum, what advice would you give someone who has an emotionally manipulative and narcissistic mother? I don't feel natural feelings of love towards her because it's clear to me that she doesn't like me. And when I need to help her with things it's not with a positive feeling, and that makes me sad because we are meant to honour our parents. But it is very hard when you know there is no love underneath any parental duties she is obligated to do for me.

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Sorry to read that. I would say do what you know to be right towards them and don’t worry about your feelings. We can’t help how we feel toward others. But we can be dutiful and kind regardless of how we feel. 

Please see the 25 articles on this page on my site for many answers to questions similar to yours: Dealing with parents in Islam

Best wishes.

IslamQA: Should Muslims always obey their parents’wishes?

Assalamualaikum. I had a general question regarding what is required of us in terms of our duty to our parents. I am in a situation where I am in a certain career path basically only because my parents want me to be. I'm doing well enough in it, but I'm always stressed and tired from the work and lately I've really been feeling that this isn't the career I want for the rest of my life. If I quit though, I would definitely be upsetting my parents and going against their wishes. (1/2)

I know we should be as obedient, and kind, and dutiful to our parents as possible but in this situation, would it be a sin for me to disobey my parents by switching career paths? I’ve been feeling really lost lately. They’ve sacrificed a lot for me and I don’t want to let them down but I also don’t know if I am capable of continuing in this career. (2/2)

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Islam asks us to “humor” our parents the way our parents humored us when we were children, so that even if sometimes they are unreasonable or make unnecessary demands we should try to go along with it rather than asking them to be reasonable.

But we are not required to become slaves to their demands. You are a person just like they are, and the relationship should include compromises from both sides. So you have every right to switch career paths and good parents should empathize with your wishes and put your happiness first.

If you abide by their wishes, then it will be an act of charity toward them and God can always reward you amply for that. And if you do what you want, I’m sure God will not blame you. So Islamically the choice is entirely yours. You are not required to spoil your parents by always doing what they want, just as parents are not required to spoil their children.

IslamQA: Wanting to move away from parents

1/x Salam. No matter how hard I try to change my heart, I just don't have a good relationship with my parents. There are things that I end up saying and doing, that they don't like, and likewise from my point of view. But I never try to do it out of spite. My parents have always been really focused on work and we never really show affection to each other. Like I can't even remember the last time we said I love you to each other. Is it wrong of me to always want to be away from them?

2/x I’ve always wanted to move away from them. I know it sounds really bad, but how can anyone stay in a household that’s built on just tolerating each other? What should I do besides pray for the best?

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

That’s all perfectly natural. Try to be thankful that things are not worse, and try to accept your family situation as it is, with all its imperfections. This is where God wants you. He could have given you a perfect family if He had wanted. The challenge is to maintain an open heart, and to do your duty as best as you can, and to be more kind and generous than those around you deserve it.

IslamQA: They want to move away from their unsatisfactory family

1/x Salam. No matter how hard I try to change my heart, I just don't have a good relationship with my parents. There are things that I end up saying and doing, that they don't like, and likewise from my point of view. But I never try to do it out of spite. My parents have always been really focused on work and we never really show affection to each other. Like I can't even remember the last time we said I love you to each other. Is it wrong of me to always want to be away from them?

2/x I’ve always wanted to move away from them. I know it sounds really bad, but how can anyone stay in a household that’s built on just tolerating each other? What should I do besides pray for the best?

That’s all perfectly natural. Try to be thankful that things are not worse, and try to accept your family situation as it is, with all its imperfections. This is where God wants you. He could have given you a perfect family if He had wanted. The challenge is to maintain an open heart, and to do your duty as best as you can, and to be more kind and generous than those around you deserve it.

IslamQA: The right way to end an argument

Salam, the Prophet PBUH said there is reward to leave an arguement even if you are in the right, so when My mother tried to argue with me about giving food to the cat (that would otherwise go in the trash). It was v late at night and she was increasingly getting angry and I repeatedly said I will not argue and when she did not stop I went outside until she stopped yelling. Now she is not talking to me. This behaviour, especially in Ramadan is upsetting. Did I act wrongly by walking outside?

Alaikumassalam wa rahmatullah,

Not arguing does not mean stopping in the middle of the argument while holding onto your own position. The other person will still feel like you are arguing, since you are not ending the argument just pausing it, and they can feel insulted by that. Leaving an argument means to put a quick ending to it in a polite way, and this usually means giving in to the other person’s position. The point is to sacrifice your own desire to win the argument and make the other person feel like they have won. If they do not feel like that, then the argument has not ended.

So the right way to have dealt with your mother in the situation you mentioned would have been to either let her win the argument or reach a compromise that satisfied her.

Best wishes.

IslamQA: A daughter’s duty to financially support her parents

Salam, I am an unmarried woman and a single child. To what extent do I have to financially provide for non-elderly parents who live way beyond their means? When they are elderly, am I expected to continue to pay for their self-imposed financially unsustainable lifestyle? Finally, if I were to become a housewife, how would financial support to my old parents work since I'd have no income and am an only child? Thank you for your time!

There are differences of opinion on the financial responsibility of a daughter toward her parents. Al-Shāfiʿī says the duty only belongs to sons, not daughters, while Abū Ḥanīfa says the duty is equally shared between sons and daughters.

The responsibility is only according to your own ability and according to your parents’ need. If they can survive without your help then anything you give to them is charity; it is not strictly a duty. If they live beyond their means, you do not have to support this but only give them enough to survive on unless you want to be generous.

If you marry, your duty is only according to the amount of money you personally have. If you have no income then you are not responsible for supporting them. However, you still have the duty of caring for your parents within your means, and if your husband would be willing to support them if you ask for it, then this is something that maybe you should look into.

Your first duty is toward yourself and your family (husband and children). Parents come after that.

Source for a daughter’s financial responsibility toward her parents:

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