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IslamQA: Are all Muslims humanists?

Is it safe to say that all Muslims are humanists?

I don’t think so. Many Muslims are what I call “tribalists” who think only people from their own sect/religion/race are true humans. This is the opposite of what I understand by modern (non-secular) humanism.

I would love to meet fellow Muslim humanists but as far as I know even among intellectuals there is not much knowledge about what humanism is and what it entails.

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5 years ago

Thank you for your answer. And what does it require for someone to become a humanist?

5 years ago

I really appreciate your time and thank you once again for your recommendation.

5 years ago

Pardon me, but one more thing if you don’t mind me to ask. Can a Muslim be a humanist while staying true to his faith?

5 years ago

Neato! Thank you very much! I’m happy to find it out right now. May Allah Bless you, brother.